Chapter 36: gonna set your flag on fire

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hey guys so here is another new chapter for you which is based on episode 2x10 of the originals, which I've had change up a little such as the order of the things just so it makes some sense as a chapter rather than as an episode as well as tried to change some of the Hayley scenes in the episode to fit Peyton and her current storylines so that it was still in the story. I've also had to add extra scenes and extend some just to make it flow and fit better with Peyton's character and the changes I've made previously. So I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up as well as any suggestions for future chapters. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 36: gonna set your flag on fire

Peyton woke the next morning alone in bed as she slowly began raise her head before looking down at the ring on ring finger that was shinning in the early morning sun causing her to smile as she began to remember details from the night before such as Klaus proposing to her and them finally having sex after months of being apart in that sense due to everything that was on with both of them but then again being with her children made Peyton feel whole again and more herself. She slowly began to ready for the day as she showered before getting dressed in a high necked dull red tank top, a light denim short sleeved shirt, a pair of darker coloured jeans and a pair of dark brown combat boots. She decided to create two braids on either side of her head before matching up at the back with the rest down in short waves, she wore simple eyeliner on her top eyeliner to define her hazel eyes and light beige lip gloss. She decides to head into the living where her children are playing with the stuff teddies in their travel cot

" hi my babies, mama's here... Why don't we go and see what daddy's up...huh ?" She said placing each baby on to her hips as she headed for the kitchen where she hear Klaus busy at work

" if it isn't my three favourite people in the world? How are we all this fine morning?" Klaus said as he turned to away from making them pancakes to see Peyton walk into the room with the twins

" we are great!... Thank you for last night and for this, it's beautiful" she said kissing as he began to moan softly in an attempt to deep the kiss that she soon broke apart to steal a piece of fruit

" like you my love and anyway I had to show all of the wolf in the bayou that you're official mine now" he said with a smile since he knew that she wouldn't like or agree with his choice of words

" is that so? Where is Elijah?" She said looking around the house that was eerily quite as she wondered where the older Mikaelson was since she was knew that he was still suffering in a way

" he went back into the city so drop off with an old friend of his to keep her safe as well as to pick up your sister" he said as he gently pushed some fruit and toast her way before taking their son

" Hayley? Why is he picking up Hayley?" She said taking a bite from her toast as she made her way over to the baby supplies to start making up the twins's bottles to feed them with

" whether we like it or not we do need to go back so that we can continue to make the city safe for the these little guys.... Sorry, little guy and girl" he said as his daughter made a noise as if to object

" I know, I've been trying not to think about it too much but I know we do" she said sadly knowing that it was going to be hard to say goodbye and leave them this time around than it was before

" me too but I was thinking that it might bring some comfort to know that your sister was looking after them for a while" he said as he happily took the bottle that she had just prepared for Wyatt

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