Chapter 51: I'll see you in hell or New Orleans

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hey guys so here is the newest chapter for you based on 3x03 which i think is more like the show than the last couple of chapters that I've posted lately as I've tried to fit Peyton into the main plot of the story rather than using the scenes with Hayley simply due to the fact that I just that they didn't fit in with my previous changes as well as I've tried to add a features of my own plot into the mix with the addition of Sam Ward. I know that I'm much later with  this once than I have been with the others but I've been unbelievable busy recent with things with my sister's wedding coming up and also updates are going to be a little slower due to the fact that I'm going to have two stories going on at the same time so hopefully they won't be too slow. And of course I've extend lines and scenes just make it flow better as well as to make fit in better. so I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 51: I'll see you in hell or New Orleans

Being back in New Orleans wasn't easy for Peyton or for Klaus as they settled back into the lives that that they had decided to leave behind months before although moving into their own apartment across from the compound seemed to be helping them since it gave them their space to be a proper married couple as well as grow as a family without all of the craziness that came with living in the compound, however the only draw back of moving into a new apartment was the decorating and the unpacking which was how Peyton's morning was beginning while trying to sort out her husband and twins. Peyton wore a long striped tank dress, a dark red cardigan, a pair of dark grey leggings, a pair of red ballet flats. She decided to place up half of her hair into a messy bun while leaving the rest of it down in a mass of waves in order to keep it out of her eyes, she wore light eye makeup consisting of eyeliner that went well with her natural looking beige lips

" you know that you don't have to unpack this very second right?" Klaus said as he placed Wyatt into his high chair before doing the same with Ava before going to make them some  breakfast

" I know I don't but I want to this our home as soon as possible which means making ours with our things" she said ripping open another box which revealed more of her large book collection

" which I get but don't you think that you're focusing a little too hard on the whole apartment thing" he said worried that she was avoiding some of the bigger and recent issues in their lives right now

" you mean other than focusing on how my sister and my co alpha out in the bayou trying to get grips with being human again or on your old friend Lucien or the prophecy?" She said panicking

" hey shush calm down...your sister and Jackson will come to terms with being human again, we'll work out what game Lucien is playing and where the prophecy fits in" he said trying to comfort her

" and then we'll deal with it right? I guess I'm just on edge with everything... this is when mommy envies you two being babies with nothing to worry about yet" she said kissing them on the head

" I hope that I'm not interrupting anything but I thought that you might interested in talking about this supposed prophecy" Elijah said entering the apartment as he surprised the small family

" no you aren't but in saying that you can't just walk in here, what if I was indecent?" Klaus said as he mocked anger as she took over feeding the twins who were hungrily waiting

" so who wants to start off by telling who exactly Lucien is and what happened with him? I mean I know the basics" Peyton said while feeding them as she became curious about Lucien

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