Chapter 34: the brothers that care forget

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hey guys so here is another new chapter for you which is based on episode 2x08 of the originals, which I've made major changes to since I struggled to find a way around things that would work with what I've already established and created in the story and wanted to keep in while also wanting to make it original so I'm hoping that you'll love ( please don't hate it!) and that it makes sense, it's partly why it's so early because I'm so eager and nervous about what you'll think of it I've also had to add extra scenes and extend some just to make it flow  and fit better with Peyton's character and the changes I've made previously. So I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up as well as any suggestions for future chapters. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 34: the brothers that care forget

The day after Marcel and Peyton had present the rogue Mikaelson brothers to Elijah and Klaus promised to be eventful for the moment they had woken up as Klaus found that Peyton was sitting in the chair that she had moved recently so that it was next to balcony so she could see the city from where she sat as he worried once again that she wasn't sleeping properly since he knew she had been having nightmares ever since she had turned into a hybrid. Peyton was now fully dressed as she wore a black tank top with lace detailing at the back underneath a knitted dark rose pink sweater, a pair of ripped  mom jeans and a pair of dark red ankle boot. Her dark short wavy hair was down in its natural messy style with one front section clipped back to keep it out of her eyes, she wore dark smoky eye make up and dark rose pink lipgloss. She waited till Klaus was showered and almost dressed before bringing up the subject that she wanted to discuss

" so how important is it for me to join the Mikaelson family breakfast this morning? I just don't know if I can be in the same room as Finn without punching him" she said walking towards him

" well you wouldn't be the first one to have that urge but I understand why, everything ok little red?" He asked as he thought about everything Finn has done to her lately as he worried about her

" yeah why wouldn't it be?" She said putting on a brave face as she tried not to think of her nightmares or how complicated things had become since yesterday for her and the men in her life

" I know you haven't been sleeping that well lately, I mean usually it's a fight to get you out of bed" he said knowing that he was always the one up first as he placed his shirt on the chair to face her

" so I've been having nightmares, it's not a big deal...they're always the same, I wake up laying a pool blood with everyone I love laying dead around me" she said closing her eyes to relive it all

" you know I would never let that happen to you or to any of them...are you sure that there's nothing else? you seem distracted" he said noticing a difference in her behaviour and in her overall

" you mean other than worrying about the wolves and that your mom or crazy brothers are going to find out about the twins? Nope nothing" she said choosing not to mention the kiss with Jackson

" I promise you that I won't let anything happen to our children" he said gently sweeping the hair out of her face to comfort her as she placed a hand on his bare chest as she marvelled at him

" I know you will, you prove it time and time again but I still worry" she said with a sad smile as she realised that a mom's job was to always worry about her children no matter what the situation was

" are you two ready? I think our guests are getting impatient" Elijah said as he came into the room as Klaus pulled away from Peyton to put on his shirt as she tried to get a feel on how he was doing

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