Chapter 76: bag of cobras

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hey guys so here the newest chapter which is based on 4x06 of the originals which I have tried to include as much of the episode as possible since a lot of important things seemed to happen in this one so it's kind of split into two so the first one half deals with the whole Hayley parent thing and then the second one deals with the party. Also I've decided to introduce my own spin and development which I hope you will all like, also Im spreading this chapter over a big time span rather than in days like the show. I also changed some of the scenes to fit better with the story and the changes I've made previously in other chapters . So in my head I've casted Hannah R Loyd as Ava and Levi Miller as Wyatt. And of course I've extend lines and scenes just make it flow better as well as to make fit in better. so I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 76: bag of cobras

To say that the last few days had been hard on Peyton would be understatement between finding the Hollow's mark in Mary's husband's journal in his final days and her beginning to feel worse with every passing day which was why she had ended up mountian making a decision on the Hollow front as she decided to finally find out what had happened the night her parents were killed despite how terrible all of it was making her feel. The noise of the hustle and bustle going in the compound wasn't helping her feel better as she woke in a terrible mood as she realised that she hadn't drank any blood recently as she chalked her bad mood up to that as she grabbed herself a blood bag. She drank it as she got dressed in a red and black striped tshirt, a pair of high waisted jeans, a black ankle biker boots and picked out a black biker jacket. She also wore her hair in a messy high ponytail that showed off her waves, she wore dark smoky eye makeup with light red lipstick. As she chucked the blood bag away she decided enough was enough with the noise as she went outside to yell at the ones behind it all

" seriously! Can you people make any more noise? Klaus, what is going on here?" She said coming of the bedroom she shared with him to stand on the balcony to see party preparations

" well I figured that all things considered with our current situation that it called for one of our infamous Mikaelson parties" he said as they both knew that it was part of a bigger game plan

" what changed? I mean one minute we were leaving for our happy ending and the next that we're throwing a party to solve our problems" she said walking down the stairs to join him

" well this particular party will be attended by New Orleans most influential supernatural denizens" he said as she looked around the courtyard where people were coming and going as they worked

" ok I'm still clearly missing a piece in this puzzle because of those party goers hate you and our family" she said wondering why he would invite them into their home as she hoped it wasn't to fight

" yes but they love Marcel and he is the co host of this party as the invite states so tonight we celebrate our truce... see, little red" he said as he handed her an invite to see what it said on it

" let me get this straight, you're once again throwing a party filled with deception and lies in the honour of a fake truce with the guy you have locked in his own dungeon?" She said in short

" that about sums it up and Marcel's attendance would only complicate matters plus I'll have hands with finding out who's in league with the hollow" he said as he saw her looking away

" great, that's umm great.... where is Ava and Wyatt?" She asked as she began to wonder where her twins were as she suddenly felt the need to protect them from the unknown dangers in the world

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