Chapter 82: voodoo child

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hey guys so here the newest chapter which is based on 4x12 of the originals which I have decided to focus on the Hayley and Freya storyline while also trying to add as much of the episode as possible while making sure that it all made sense but I also changed some of the scenes to fit better with the story and the changes I've made previously in other chapters. I've also including my own little spin onto the story so I hope you like it. So in my head I've casted Hannah R Loyd as Ava and Levi Miller as Wyatt. Again I've spaced out this chapter again so that the season actually takes over months and not weeks for Peyton's pregnancy. And of course I've extend lines and scenes just make it flow better as well as to make fit in better. so I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 82: voodoo child

Peyton spent of the night sitting the the chair that was in their bedroom by the window as she switched from looking out of the window to see the city of New Orleans quiet in the nighttime to where her husband was currently in bed looking so peaceful as he slept the night away unaware that his wife was as restless as she was due to not being able to stop thinking about everything the hollow did to her as an attempt to stop her from killing her as she tried to tell herself over and over again that the hollow was dead but deep down she still felt that it was all too easy and too neatly wrapped up in a world where things rarely were. Soon she decided to get ready for the day due to needing to do something other than just sitting there brooding as she wore a light green maternity drape dress, a brown suede biker jacket that she laid out in case she was going out and a pair of peep toe booties. She also decided to wear her hair down in a mass of waves with two simple braids at the front to keep it out of her face, she also wore dark brown smoky eye makeup that went well with her light beige lipstick. Not long after getting dressed her phone began to ring to show that Stefan was calling her as she grabbed her phone and headed into the study as not to wake up Klaus

" hey bestie, what's going on? Oh wait, no let me guess? Klaus called you" she said knowing that Klaus always seemed to turn to Stefan for help when it comes to Peyton and her issues

" what? A guy can't call his pregnant best friend to check in on her" Stefan said knowing that she had a lot going on in her life especially in the last few months as he watched his own twins

" yeah a guy can but you can't so I'm going to ask you again... did Klaus call you because it's not necessary, I'm fine" she said knowing that she wasn't even doing s good job to convince herself

" he called and it sounds like it's necessary, the hollow was in your head so don't tell that you're okay because I know you better than that Pey" he said knowing that she couldn't pretend with him

" yeah I guess I can't pretend with you as well as I can with other people" she said in a sad tone as she began to wonder what he could to help her while he was all the way in Mystic Falls

" do you want to talk about it? If you don't talk now then I'm guess I'm just going to have to bug you until you do" he said knowing that he would do that since this wasn't going away anytime soon

" fine... the hollow pretended to be Jackson and taunted with the fact that I could never love him because I was so in love with Klaus, I chose to love to the monster than a hero" she said sadly

" but it's more than that right? I mean that's something you already knew and had gotten over so what was the real wound that she was picking?" He said knowing the hollows real aim from Klaus

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