Chapter 8: bloodletting (Klaus)

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hey guys so here is another chapter for you which is based on episode 1x07 of the originals which I have decided to spit into in order to fit more since I had a lot of ideas of this episode, although I've changed somethings and added scenes although mostly it just lines as well as tried to take on any reviews or suggestions made you so let me know what you think of it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 8: bloodletting ( Klaus )

After Marcel had found out that only had the original family being staying in the house that he had associated with being a salve for his father and that Josh was the spy that Thierry had mentioned but also that Klaus was keeping a secret from in the form of his own young brunette that seemed to never leave the house either as he would have remembered seeing a girl like her around the French Quarter, he decided to go and find Klaus so that he could confront him over this new development as well as hint to the fact he could know about the mysterious Peyton that was living him. Klaus began to feel the now familiar panic rise inside of him as he began to worry about Peyton and the twins once he realise that Marcel might know about her since he knew that everyone else in the house had been out as he decided to go home as soon as possible to find out for himself. When he got home he headed straight for her bedroom to find it empty and untouched before going to his own to find the same as he headed into the study to find Elijah calling Rebekah to investigate

" goodbye means goodbye, Elijah"  Rebekah said as she drove her car out of the New Orleans as she was grateful to be finished with the city that always seemed to cause so much pain

" is she with you?" He asked not bothering with hello as he needed to know where Peyton was before thinking of the worst case scenario where someone had taken her or that she had left

" what the hell are you talking about?" She asked completely confused as she tried to remember how things were when she had left as Peyton had went to get changed and he went to help Klaus

" Peyton's gone, where is she!" He said hoping with every fibre with his body that she was joking  with him and about to tell him that in fact Peyton was sitting in the passages seat next to her

" Marcel was here...please tell me that Peyton is ok" Klaus said entering the room forcing both his siblings attention onto him as he saw how worried and frantic Elijah was as he began to wonder

" Rebekah, I'll call back later....Peyton's missing, when I came home this was in the floor by the door" he said as he showed him the discarded phone that had been dropped when she was taken

" she wouldn't have this, no woman in this century would leave their phone behind... This has to. D Marcel" Klaus said noticing the amount of missed calls and texts from Stefan being displayed on it

" then we go and take her back before he does anything to her" Elijah said calmly but with a edge of anger to his voice as he wondered when Peyton would have time to just relax rather than being attacked

" well this should be fun" Klaus said with his signature smirk as he tried to hide his anger and fear that something more was going on with this and in fact someone worse had taken his girl

Back at the Abattoir, Marcel and his vampire were beginning their fight night where the night walkers would fight each other to compete for a daylight ring as Marcel began to make his speech about why they have a fight night before the first pair which was Otto and Felicia as they began  to fight. Soon Felicia was able to overtake Otto enough that she was able to snap his neck with her legs before the fight night was interrupted by the two originals who were on a mission to find the missing Peyton as Klaus appeared behind Felicia and snapped her neck  before Elijah soon joined in the middle of the room surrounded by all the vampires who had been watching the fight

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