Chapter 30: live and let die

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hey guys so here is another new chapter for you which is based on episode 2x04 of the originals, which I've tried to change and extend as much as possible due to the fact that I didn't and couldn't add very much of my own scenes into the chapter just to due to the episode but I hope it still work and is okay for you guys. And of course I've extend lines and scenes just make it flow better as well as to make fit in better. Also I'm sorry that it's a little shorter than the other chapter, I did what I could. So I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces

Chapter 30: live and let die

Peyton found herself sitting on a chair by the window in her bedroom that she shared with Klaus as she began to think about the satiate of things while sipping end morning coffee such as how they were beginning boxed in on both sides by Klaus's parents as they knew that Esther wasn't finished whatever fame she was playing and Davina was still hiding somewhere with both Mikael and the white oak stake that could kill more than the originals including her and her friend's lives. Recently she had waking up earlier than normal due to the nightmares that she had been having ever since she had been turning into a vampire as she had the same nightmare running in head of losing everyone and everything she had ever loved. Peyton was wearing a floral bohemian styled long top, a pair of jeans and light brown worn out knee high boots. Her short hair was down in soft curls with two front sections being pinned back from her face, her eye makeup was grey smoked that went well with her soft pink lips. She picked up her phone again as she called the number she had been staring at for a while as she placed her cup of coffee on her knee that was up on the chair

" hey Davina, it's Peyton... I know I'm probably the last person you want to talk but I'm worried about you, Mikael isn't a good guy... In many ways he's worse than Klaus ever is or was. Please call me back, even its just tell me you're ok" Peyton said ending the call with a sign as she thought

" I'm guessing you've had no luck reaching the little witch?" Klaus said leaning against the door as he tried to work out what mood she was in as she looked thoughtful and more serious than normal

" not but I think that's the point, she knows that if I know then most likely so are you" she said taking a sip of her coffee knowing that she would probably need more before the day was done

" true and I think you're one if the reasons why she's doing this, to free you and Marcel and Joshua from my grips" he said kneeling in front of her as he wondered when people would leave them be

" I know I've been thinking the same and the sooner people realise that I'm right where I want to be the better" she said as she  leaned closer to him as she captured his lips with hers in soft kiss

" mmm... You taste like coffee, how much have you had this morning?" He said worried about her
since he knew about her lack of sleep but had yet to say anything to her as he was waiting for her

" well this will be my third and it's only ten o'clock... So what's your plan for the day?" She said changing the subject knowing that he was going to ask more questions about her coffee habits

" I was hoping to find Davina so that I would put a stop to my father since my mother proved hard than we thought" he said thinking about the deal she offered her and the dinner they had

" promise me that you won't her, she's only girl and she's terrified. She's only doing this to protect us" she said trying to convince him that Davina was just as much as an innocent as anyone else

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