Chapter 46: city beneath the sea

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hey guys so here is another new chapter for you which is based on episode 2x20 of the originals, so I've kinda had to changed the order of things just so I could add some extra scenes since there was so much that happened in this episode that's important to the plot so hopefully it all works as well as changed some details to fit with my previous changes to make the most sense. This chapter should explain the hint that I put in the end of the last chapter if you didn't get it. As always i've added some other scenes to extend the chapter more just to make it flow and fit better with Peyton's character and the changes I've made previously. So I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it.Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up as well as any suggestions for future chapters. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 46: city beneath the sea

Peyton couldn't forget sharp achy feeling she had gotten when she felt the sudden pain when in the car with Jackson and the twins as they escaped the French Quarter as well as from Dahlia to hide out in the bayou as she was beginning to worry about its meaning while Jackson insisted that they should go to the bayou before anyone could stop them which meant that she spend the journey there texting Klaus due to worrying about whether it was something to do with h. Hayley soon agreed to babysit the twins as the wolves settled down for the night in the bayou before leaving in the morning so that she could go visit the compound which is why she changed into a white tank top underneath a orange spotted grey tshirt, a pair of jeans, a skin coloured hoodies, a worn black biker jacket and black biker boots. She quickly threw her up into a messy bun, she wore smoky eye makeup with light beige lip gloss. Once she was ready she grabbed her things and ran to the compound where she found Elijah in the study alone drinking a glass of bourbon

" Elijah Mikaelson! Please tell me that you didn't dagger Klaus!" She said storming into the room as she took in his general mood as she put the pieces of the puzzle together like this and her pain

" Peyton, it had to be done... he went to far this time with Aiden" he said sombrely as he knew that she was about to put up a fight that he wasn't in the mood to deal with right now on top of all this

" no it didn't and no he didn't because he didn't kill Aiden! Dahlia did or at least I think she did" she said fed up with people always assuming the worse about him like this without bothering to ask

" what are you talking about?" He said wondering if he had made a mistake in daggering Klaus or if she was just trying to save her husband from what was currently happening to him right now

" Aiden's body was covered in claw marks and we both know that Klaus never uses his claws when making a kill meaning someone wanted to frame him for this" she said explaining it to him

" maybe he was trying someone else like Jackson, we both know that he has no love for him" Elijah said trying to rationalise this in his head so that it didn't mean that he had done this for nothing

" true but he didn't and there's also the small matter that Aiden isn't dead, Davina and I worked together to make him a special version of the Gilbert ring" she said leaning on the arm of the chair

" something that I'm assuming only you two knew about but why?" He asked wondering why she would go to all that effort if she wasn't worried about Klaus turning against her or Aiden

" because I knew that Aiden was playing a dangerous game with equally dangerous players" she said knowing that she didn't want any of them to go through the pain of grieving for him like that

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