Chapter 54: beautiful mistakes

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hey guys so here is the newest chapter for you based on 3x06 which i tried to make more my own by adding bits here and there as well as took on board how you guys responded to my question of how to deal with Aurora and Klaus so I have tweaked it a little because let's be honest I love Peyton and Klaus ( obviously)so I hope you like what I have done so far with it. And of course I've extend lines and scenes just make it flow better as well as to make fit in better. so I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 54: beautiful mistakes

Klaus recognised that there was no point in arguing against Peyton since he knew that it would only make her more furious than she already was with him as he tried to think of some way to comfort her and reassure her that he loved her and only her as he went downstairs to talk to Elijah about everything that just happened as he went down to the courtyard to see the mess that they had created while fighting over it all, however he simply grabbed the bottle of bourbon and town glasses before sitting in a chair next to Elijah at the table in the courtyard. Peyton soon came down the stairs dressed in a pair of white pyjama shorts with coral stars on them, a coral tshirt and a cream cardigan. She wore her hair in a somewhat tidy bun for the occasion, however she did take all of her makeup off before heading downstairs with some vital medical kit for them

" I send you down here to heal him and talk to each other but instead I find you two drinking, great... what did you find out today? I mean I already what you did" she said grabbing a glass

" with Marcellus's help, we discovered that Tristan has been using secret tunnels into order to go into a storehouse that is owned by kingmaker land development" Elijah said before drinking again

" Lucien's company? So either the whole thing is a massive coincidence or the two traitors are working together against us" Klaus said as he poured them all more bourbon as Peyton sat down

" there's more to it than that, Marcel's guy also found another person lurking around the same place as Tristan... this man" he said showing a picture to Peyton knowing she would know him

" Sam... my guess is that Tristan, Lucien and Aurora got him involved in all of this to get to me since they have all of you covered and he was probably more than happy to join in" she said softly

" no one said that Aurora is involved in whatever they are up to" Klaus sad defending Aurora to Peyton before he realised what he was doing as she gave him a look as a result of this little act

" no you're right, I'm sure it's just a coincidence that she showed up at the same time that her brother and the guy who loved her did to plot against us" she said sarcastically to make a point

" in any case if she is working with them then we shall know soon enough and we will deal whoever is conspiring against us" Elijah said trying to settle an argument before it became one

" which would be a lot easier if we weren't constantly fighting each other too" Peyton said as she placed the baby monitor onto the table so she could hear the babies peacefully sleep away

" she's right, we can't keep fighting each other if we want to defeat the enemies that plot against us. We need to appeared united together as one" he said to Klaus than to Peyton to warn him

" I suppose you have a point... here as a sign of good faith and all" Klaus said as he bit into his wrist so that he could bleed into a cup in order to give it to Elijah so he could heal his wolf bite

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