Chapter 33: chasing the devil's tail

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hey guys so here is another new chapter for you which is based on episode 2x07 of the originals, which I've tried to include as much as possible due to the fact that so much happens including things that Hayley isn't actually involved in so I tried to slot Peyton in in order to include as well tried change and extend in order to make it flow better and fit better with Peyton's character and the changes I've made previously. So I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up as well as any suggestions for future chapters. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 33: chasing the devil's tail

It was still the middle of the night when Peyton woke up due to her phone alarm that she had set before going to bed with Klaus since she knew that Jackson would need her for support during Oliver's funeral as she gently got out of bed while being careful not to wake up Klaus who was still sleeping soundly on his side of the bed as she headed to the bathroom to get dressed. Peyton wore a blue floral chiffon camisole, a pair of jeans, a pair of ankle blue suede boots and blue suede biker jacket. She decided to simply shake out her short bed hair into soft curls with the help of some product, she wore dark eye makeup to define her hazel brown and light beige pink lipstick. She was about to leave the room after gathering her things like her car keys and her phone when Klaus suddenly woke up to find her missing as he sleepily looked around for her getting her attention

" Peyton?...Whats going on?" Klaus said still half asleep as he looked up to her to see that she was fully dressed and about to head out as he worried that something new had happened in the city

" hey everything's ok, go back to sleep" she said kneeling down to where he was laying in the bed as she ran her hand through his dirty blonde hair that was slightly messy due to being asleep

" where are you going?" He asked wishing that she would come back to bed with him rather than leaving him alone since he knew that she needed her sleep and that they slept better together

" I need to go out to the bayou, Jackson's having a funeral for Oliver and I have a feeling that not a lot of people will be there" she said thinking about everything that Oliver had done lately them all

" oh... Are you going alone or are you talking Elijah's guard dog with you?" He asked thinking about how Hayley had barely left Elijah's side since he had brought him back to the compound that night

" be nice, she's my sister and I don't know... She might not want to leave Elijah alone, I wouldn't if it was you" she said giving him a long loving look as she wondered how far Esther was going to go

" I know, please be safe in the bayou and keep me up to date with everything" he said as he tried to sit up a look as he began to wake slightly as he worried about her and Jackson getting closer

" I know and I will like always... I love you" she said gently kissing him before leaving as she headed into Elijah's bedroom to find her sister wide awake in her chair as she read her book

" hey you heading into the bayou?" She asked noticing the way she was already dressed despite it still being very early as she put down her book as she glanced over to check on how Elijah was

" yeah I figured I would go if not just to check on how Jackson is taking all of this, you want to come?" She asked knowing that she knew Oliver better than her but understood why she wouldn't

" I'm not sure I want to go, I don't want to leave Elijah and I'm not sure that I can be around Jackson while he's in his current mood" she said thinking about the day before and hoe he reacted to them

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