Chapter 27: rebirth

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hey guys so here is the first chapter of season two for you which is only half based on episode  2x01 of the originals while the reason is roughly based on the 6x01 of vampires diaries but is obviously all added in and changed by me, the reason for this is to show how all of this affecting Peyton as a character so hopefully that's clear enough. I've put the flashback in italics just to make it stand out more. And of course I've extend lines and scenes just make it flow better as well as to make fit in better. so I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces

Chapter 27: rebirth

Things had become increasingly difficult for everyone in New Orleans following the aftermath of the events during the full moon especially with the Guerrera wolves taking over with the French Quarter now armed with their recent required moonlight rings, the witches were still recovering due from having three of their major witch leaders being killed for their parts playing in it all despite having the last harvest girl resurrected, the vampire community was in ruins with only a few major players surviving who were either not involved in the fight in the compound or were saved. However the worse of it seemed to hit those who lived in the compound as it was them who had lost the most in more ways than one for as Klaus tried his best to cope his own grief as well as to help her with hers while Peyton who had been spent the whole week after alone and drinking away her sorrows. Which was why she found herself sitting on the roof of the compound with a bottle of bourbon. She wore a blue tank top, a grey to blue dip dye hoodie, a grey lace bralette,  a pair of ripped black jeans and a pair of black slip on sneakers. Her usual mass of waves was straight as it feel over her shoulders, her eyes was dark and smokey while her lipgloss was a pinky peach colour. Peyton was currently so lost in thought and drinking that she didn't realise that someone was behind her

" I figured I'd find you here, you were always did pick the most scenic point to hide away" Stefan said as he sat next to her as they looked out at the view of New Orleans and of the French Quarter

" everything seems so calm and peaceful up here, it's enough to distract you from all the evil that lurks down there... What are you doing here?" She said as she took another swig from her bottle

" I had some business with the witches, I need help with some old school magic and thought maybe the New Orleans witches might help" he said as he eased into the topic at hand with her

" yeah they aren't likely to talk to you, no one really like vampires right now and they probably know you're my friend. I kind killed their head bitch" she said showing the fact that she was tipsy

" I figured as much which is why I went to your friend Davina Claire, she pretty much told me to give up on what I was looking for" he said remembering how young she was for a powerful witch

" and that's the only reason you came?" She said knowing that he wouldn't have come all this way just to talk some witches he already knew were less than friendly as she gave him a side look

" that and Klaus called me to update me on everything, he thinks you might need me" he said seeing that she defiantly did as everything about her was different and almost darker than normal

" kinda like what Caroline did with me... I'm sorry about what happened Damon" she said offering him the bottle as he decided to take a swig of it at the mention of his brother who was now gone

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