Chapter 57: saviour

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hey guys so here is the newest chapter for you based on 3x09 which i tried to make more my own by adding bits here and there by switching Cami for Peyton as well as tried to change some of the details so that it fitted better to Peyton's character as well as changing and taking parts out that I thought didn't fit well in terms of my story and things I've dine before. Also I've just done some of the prep for the next chapter which has left me confused as there is a lot I would need to change so I'm not sure if I should include a vampire diaries episode instead so let me know what you think. And of course I've extend lines and scenes just make it flow better as well as to make fit in better. so I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 57: saviour

Things had been somewhat tense between Klaus and Peyton since Aurora had kidnapped Peyton as a way to get back at klaus for loving her more than he did with Aurora more so because Peyton had began to pull away from him which only made him worry more about both her and them as a couple as he wished that she would talk to about whatever was going on in that head of hers. After a while of her behaviour, he decided that enough was enough as he tried once more to talk to her about it before deciding to call the ultimate back up who was as close to an expert on all things Peyton related that he had in his life as he headed out to the balcony in the courtyard

" hello mate, I need your help on something" Klaus said into the phone as he knew that he tended to call this number more now than he did when he was living in Mystic Falls with him around

" I'm assuming it's something Peyton related if you're calling me since she would be the one calling for supernatural help" Stefan said on the phone as he began to wonder what was going on

" of course I'm calling about Peyton, I'm worried about her and how she is coping with things right now" he said sighing as he wished that he could do this on his own without inside help like this

" what's going on with her? I mean we've been texting but we never really talk about the big things in them" he said knowing that they always preferred to talk about the big things face to face

" she was recently kidnapped and tortured both mentally and physically by an ex of mine who is a little on the insane side" he said thinking about everything that she went through due to Aurora

" and now she is pushing you away right? Typical Peyton, what exactly did this ex of yours do to her?" He said going straight into best friend mode as he began to worry about her in New Orleans

" yeah she is... and physically Aurora cut her with her knife a couple of times and drugged with wolfsbane but she taunted her with her past and her innocence" he said looking behind him at her

" by her past, do you mean the time she was with Sam?... she brought up one of the worst times of her life where the most guilt lays, she got into Peyton's head" he said trying to figure it all out

" I know and now she isn't talking to me or even acknowledging what happened to her, what can I do to help her?" He said showing how desperate he was to help his wife and to get through to her

" the thing about Peyton is that she's only pulling away from you because she scared that she's vulnerable now, she feels exposed and she hates that" he said knowing Peyton like the back of his hand

" I've seen her vulnerable before though" he said thinking about the times where she had gotten upset about the babies as well as when she was pregnant and was obviously very hormonal

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