Chapter 77: high water and a devils daughter

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hey guys so here the newest chapter which is based on 4x07 of the originals which I have decided to focus on the Hayley and Klaus storyline but I also split the chapter so thatbit covered the scenes dealing with Marcel and hope. I also changed some of the scenes to fit better with the story and the changes I've made previously in other chapters. I'm sorry this chapter is later than normal, I've just not been in the mood due to work drama going. So in my head I've casted Hannah R Loyd as Ava and Levi Miller as Wyatt. And of course I've extend lines and scenes just make it flow better as well as to make fit in better. so I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 77: high water and a devil's daughter

Klaus woke with a smile on his face as he thought about how Peyton had told him that she was pregnant with his child again as he turned around in the bed to pull her into a hug but was meant with cold sheets as he realised that she wasn't in bed anymore as he sat up further bed as he tried to work out where she was when he realised  that he could hear her throwing up in the bathroom as he turned to see her shadow in the light that was spilling out of the slightly open bathroom door. He decided to go to her as he began to rub circles into her back to comfort her before she then brushed her teeth and returned to bed where he began to soothe her into sleeping, in the morning he once found the space next to him empty except for a note to say that she was out on an errand but that she would be back soon and she would be discreet. Peyton came in later wearing a light red lace bralette, a beige blouse with red on it, a pair of jeans and a pair of nude coloured flats. She wore her hair up in a round twisty bun with pieces of hair framing her face, she wore dark nude coloured eye makeup with light pink lipgloss. She found him at the dining table at the courtyard with a blood bag

" look who's back? So what was so urgent that you had to leave our bed so early?" Klaus said noticing that she had smile on face that matched the one that seemed to be plastered on his face

" well I went to a doctor to compel her to do a sonogram on the baby and check it out, I actually wanted to know if it's one baby or twins again" she said knowing that it had been on her mind

" and is it? Twins again I mean?" He said thinking back on her pregnancy seven years ago with the twins as he remembered that she had twice the amount of symptoms than a normal pregnancy

" no, we're only having one baby so rest easy but I do have this to show you" she said as she pulled a small blurry black and white sonogram picture as she placed it in front of him on the table

" oh wow.... so this is our new little baby, when do you want to start telling people?" He said knowing that they would need to tell their family and the twins sooner rather than later to help her

" tell people what?" Elijah said as he walked into the room to see that his brother and his sister in law were clearly in the middle of something that he could imagine was about a secret of theirs

" that I'm a month pregnant with this big lug's baby" Peyton said knowing that Klaus was right about them needing to tell others about the baby in case anything happened and before she started to show

" are you serious? That's great, I'm so happy for you both. Congratulations!" He said hugging them both as he realised what this meant as he thought about having a new baby to look after in the family

" thank you, it seems that there is finally a little light among the darkness that seems to plaguing our lives again" he said as he gestured for Peyton to sit on his lap as he looked at the sonogram

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