Chapter 40:I love you, goodbye

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hey guys so here is another new chapter for you which is based on episode 2x14 of the originals, which I decided to use the main parts of it such as the actual wedding but obviously had to change some of the smaller detail in order for it to into the story and it's previous changes as well as adding some other scenes to extend the chapter more just to make it flow and fit better with Peyton's character and the changes I've made previously. I also somewhat changed the order a little and tried to include as much as possible. So I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it.Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up as well as any suggestions for future chapters. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 40: I love you, goodbye

Peyton had decided to head back to the compound after speaking to Klaus about moving their wedding up to the next day due to everything going on as she realised how good it felt to be back in her old room that she shared with Klaus as well as to sleep next to him again after so long apart, they had pretty much forgiven each other for everything that had been going on between them lately from the kiss she shared with Jackson to him beating Jackson up due to distrust and hate as a result of him loving Peyton like Klaus did. She wasn't surprised to find herself alone in bed the next morning since it was normal for Klaus to get up before her as she began to get dressed in a dark yellow tshirt that tied at the front, a cream coloured hoodie, a pair of boyfriend jeans and a pair of patterned sneakers. She decided to spilt her hair into two sections to twist into two buns, her eye makeup was light brown smoked which went well with her dark beige lipstick. One she was ready she decided to go downstairs to investigate what all the noise was as she realised that preparations for her wedding was well under way with Rebekah in the middle of it all

" I want the chairs to placed here and here... oh put those flowers on either side of the stairs" Rebekah said in her new body as she directed the different people in the compound on what to do

" what is all of this? I thought we agreed that the wedding would be simple and small?" Peyton said coming into the ballroom to see her in full dictator mode as she arranged everything for them

" this is small and simple especially considering that you told me about it last night and when factor in that I'm doing all of this without compulsion" she said knowing that she missed that part

" ok true and I do appreciate everything you're doing because there's no way that I could pull off something like this" she said knowing that weddings and big gatherings weren't really her thing

" which is why you have me to do it all for you, you so don't need that kind of stress on your wedding day" she said thinking about the amount of times that she almost got married but didn't

" yeah I just get to worry about whether the whole thing will work or not and actually walking down the aisle without falling on face" she said as Rebekah smiled at her nervous bridal moment

" it will be fine, at least you don't have to worry about your fiancé leaving you at the alter... Klaus loves you" she said slightly envious of the love that Klaus had with Peyton as it was like no other

" that is one major plus with all this, I know he wants this too... talking of Klaus , where is he?" She said looking around the room as she wondered if there was something going on with them

" I think he's in the study... if you'll excuse me I have some more people to yell at" she said noticing that the wedding preparations were beginning to get derailed as they were left on their own

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