Chapter 67: no more heartbreaks

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hey guys so here is the newest chapter for you based on 3x19 of the originals which I've mainly focused on the Hayley plot line since I couldn't find a way of including Peyton into the whole Klaus/Cami storyline without ruining it and ghost riders story so to fill the chapter out a little I added some extra scenes. Also as normal  I've extend lines and scenes just make it flow better as well as added I my own scenes to make fit in better. Also I'm sorry if this chapter is shorter than normal but this simply because what I've included and what was in the episode. this is a little later I'm not feeling the greatest lately.  so I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think of it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 67: no more heartbreaks

Peyton woke up before Klaus which was a rarity as she decided that she couldn't just stay in bed any longer with her thoughts swirling around her head as she got out of bed and got dressed for the day after checking on the twins were still sound asleep in the nursery as she grabbed the baby monitor to keep an eye out for when they woke up as she left Klaus sleeping peacefully sleeping. Peyton wore a pink open knitted sweater with a cream lace camisoles, a pair of jeans, a pair of brown suede boots and a brown hooded biker jacket. When she decided to twist half of her hair up at the back leaving some of it down her back in a soft wave with piece of her hair framing her face, she also wore lightly smoked eyes with dark almost dull pink lipstick. Soon Klaus woke up to find her missing as he got changed before going down stairs to find her as he realised that she was in the side room where they were currently keeping Aurora's comatose body

" here you are, little red.... what are you doing in here?" He said noticing how she was looking at Aurora's body as he remembered how angry she was when she came to rescue him from her grips

" I couldn't sleep so I got up and somehow found my way here" she said as she felt him wrap his arms around her waist bringing her close to him as her back was pressed against his chest

" I was wrong to deny you the satisfaction of revenge, I mean after everything that she done to you and to Cami" he said thinking about what Aurora had done to them because of his love

" revenge would have felt good for a while but once it was over then what would I have been left with? The guilt over killing her? She's not worth that" she said thinking  about her emotions

" you know you are remarkable, little red" he said thinking about how hard it was for her to rise above all of this all of the time when people like Aurora would be constantly attacking their family

" well thank you on remarking on it... I should go get the twins up and ready for the day" she said checking the time on her phone as she knew that she would need to get going soon

" Why? What do you have planned for them today?" He said noticing that she was on a time schedule when it came to the twins today as she turned around in his arms to face him better

" it's Mary's day with them, I promise that she could spend more time with them especially since Jackson's death" she said knowing Mary loved spending whatever time she got with them

" that's kind of you" he said thinking about how much she loved their children and him, he also knew that she did everything she could to protect their children from the effect of their worlds

" well she's the closest thing they have to an actual grandmother, so why not?... she'll be here in twenty minutes" she said reaching up to kiss him before heading up to the nursery for now

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