Chapter 38: sanctuary

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hey guys so here is another new chapter for you which is based on episode 2x12 of the originals, which I've had to stick to the episode pretty close in this one just due to what happens since it needs to happen to set certain things up for the next few ones so I was restricted to what I could do because I didn't want to disturb too much. I've also had to add extra scenes and extend some just to make it flow and fit better with Peyton's character and the changes I've made previously. So I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it. I'm also really sorry if this chapter is shorter than others and again its simply doe to the espiode since it wouldn't have made sense to add other scenes  Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up as well as any suggestions for future chapters. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 38: sanctuary

To say that Peyton barely slept that night is a understatement as she dreamt of different outcomes that could happen as a result of telling Jackson all of her secrets none of which were good as she decided to eventually just get up and dressed for the day before feeling the need to get some fresh in the bayou as the walls felt like they were closing in on her in Mary's little cottage house as she decided to head for the lake. She wore a pale pink tshirt that said 'I ____ you', a pair of jeans, a pair of dark worn beige boots and a floral patterned biker jacket. Peyton had decided to simple twist the front section of her short dark into a styled messy bun while the rest was down and wavy, her eye makeup was slightly heavier around the eyes to make them more defined and her lips were peachy pink colour. Several hours later Jackson came down to the lake looking for her as he brought two cups of tea as well as bowl of porridge on Mary's orders

" You scared me, I was worried you ran off in the middle of the night... Here, my grandmother said that you are far too thin" he said making her laugh as he gave her the bowl and cup of tea

" thank you and I'm trying to resist my heightened flight response to situations like this even against my better judgement" she said knowing that she had a bad habit of running away

" so what are you doing out here if you aren't contemplating running away?" He said as he watched her sit down on a nearby rock as she began to eat the porridge while thinking

" I was thinking about the whole truth telling part of the trials, I know why I have tell you my secrets and I want to but..." She said trailing off the end of her sentence as she realised something

" but what?" He asked wondering what was stopping her from just telling him as he thought it might be the fact that she was scared of Klaus or someone else hurting her as a result of it all

" see that's the thing... I can't even tell you when I can't tell you my secrets, it's just that complicated" she said seriously joint that he wasn't going to push her on this anymore

" Peyton, do you really think you have  a secret that's so bad you can't tell me? That k don't have one equally as bad that I might not be able to tell you?" He said thinking of his own secrets

" It's not safe, Jackson.... Not for me, not for you and certainly not of the people that it involves" she said thinking of her two beautiful twins who were always being hunted lately

"When have we ever been safe, Peyton? Our people have been cursed, hunted, exiled but you and me becoming co alphas, the wedding between you and Klaus? We can change all that" he said trying to remind of her of why they were doing this and why she has suggested it

" I know hence why I want to and why it was my idea but that doesn't make this part simple" she said eating the last of her porridge as she placed the bowl down and began to pace

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