Chapter 64: alone with eveyone

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hey guys so here is the newest chapter for you based on 3x16 of the originals which I've mainly focused on the Klaus and Hayley plot line rather than splitting the focus to show more of what was going on since it was the one that made the most sense to the story Also as normal  I've extend lines and scenes just make it flow better as well as added I my own scenes to make fit in better. Also I'm sorry this is a little later I'm not feeling the greatest lately.  so I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think of it. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 64: alone with everyone

Peyton and Klaus had been taking turns to drive the car all night until fairly Peyton had been able to convince that they needed to stop in order to properly take care of the twins since they had been changing their diapers very quickly with them still in the car so a pit stop would mean that they could feed them and get them changed as well as would allow them both sometime to themselves since they had been driving in the same clothes all night. Once they all had something to eat Peyton decided to get changed into a faded floral high necked tank top, a pair of jeans, a grey hoodie, a dark green oversized coat, a pair brown of knee high combat boots. She decided to place her hair into two small loose braids since she knew that it would keep it out of her way while they travelled, she also wore dark brown pink smoked eye makeup and pink lipgloss. Peyton had a realisation when getting changed that she was prepared to tell Klaus when she went back to him

" hey so I had a idea about what to do with this whole thing... for now anyway" Peyton said  knowing that he was going to protest as soon as he heard what she was thinking of doing for them

" and what's that, little red?" He said as he handed Wyatt who was in his car seat so he could place Ava in the car and secure her car seat in the back before doing the same with Wyatt's

" there's a pack not that far from here that I used to hang with when I was looking for the crescent wolves, I'm sure that they would give me safe haven if I asked for it" she said thinking about them

" that's a bad idea, no one can know where we are in case someone spills our location to my enemies.... it's much better for us if we just driving" he said knowing that they had to far away

" and I get that but we need to lay low for awhile to work out some of the details rather than driving around aimlessly" she said knowing that they all needed a rest from being in the car so long

"I agree but we should do that away from people that know us or at least you" he sad knowing that his enemies would try to locate Peyton and the twins who would lead them to Klaus every time 

" I actually have a plan for that part.... here, you can wear this. I've had it for years" she said grabbing a hat from her bag that said ' mother trucker' that was slightly worn from last few years

" Absolutely not!" He said looking at the hat before looking down at his current outfit knowing that the hat didn't exactly go with everything else he was wearing as well as wasn't very him

" you just pointed out that we need to blend in and if I didn't think that you looked so hot in that thousand-dollar jacket then I'd tell to lose it" she said as she smiled knowing that she liked him in it

" why thank you, little red... you've made up your mind about this haven't you? Is this why we're on a scenic tour of Methamphetamine Country and not compelling a jet to somewhere" he said knowing that she had taken the last few hours drive leading their destination

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