Chapter 43: exquisite corpse

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hey guys so here is another new chapter for you which is based on episode 2x17 of the originals, I've tried to add as much of the plot into this chapter as I could while still trying to keep in with Peyton's character as well as Hayley's scenes so because of that the chapter sprightly be a little shorter than normal and if it is then I'm sorry about that and will make it up to you with a super fast next update. As a result of this I've obviously had to change the order of things making it different from the show as well as adding some other scenes to extend the chapter more just to make it flow and fit better with Peyton's character and the changes I've made previously. So I just hope that you love and I would to hear what you think if it.Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up as well as any suggestions for future chapters. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.

http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)

Chapter 43: exquisite corpse

Peyton and Klaus headed to bed after she had reassured him that he would always the hero in her eyes compared to the villain he was in everyone else's due to his little chat that he had with Freya after snapping her neck and taking her elsewhere in order to talk to her more privately without their siblings interfering with their familiar attachments. Peyton had decided to were a pyjamas salmon pink coloured tank top with blue stripes, a pair of patterned pyjama shorts. She decided to take off all of her makeup before going to bed as well as placing her shirt brown waves into two low bunches in order to keep it out of her face while sleeping. Soon after getting into bed she snuggled close to Klaus as they both drifted off into an easy sleep knowing that their children were safely sleeping in the nursery connected to their room. Unfortunately in the middle of the night Peyton woke up when she began to sense something going in the compound

" Klaus? Klaus, wake up!" Peyton said waking up all of a sudden as she sat up in bed pausing for a moment as the sense that something was wrong in the compound being to grown inside of her

" mmmhhhmm...what's the matter, little red?" Klaus mumbled while still half asleep as he wondered what had caused to wake up in the middle of the night when everything was peaceful

" I think something bad is going down right now" she said nudging her husband awake as she used her vampire hearing to see if she could pick up anything to help her as he began to wake up

" I'll go and check with the wolves out in the hall to see if they've seen anything, why don't you and check on the twins" he said kissing her shoulder before grabbing a tshirt while getting out of bed

" ok just please be careful.... Rebekah? Oh god what did you do? Rebekah...wait Eva?" She said calling after him as she went to the nursery to see Rebekah looking at the twins as she realised something about her

" well damn, I guess that's my cover blow for a while... how about I spare your life and just simple take the babies with me?" She said in a sickly sweet way that showed how evil she was

" how about I spare your life and let you here before rip your head off your body for being anywhere near my children?" She said showing her hybrid self to show how serious she was

" but now you've made sound so interesting, how could I walk away?" Eva said intrigued by Peyton who grabbed her arm in order to slam her head into a dresser causing her to fall down

" hey babies, are you ok? Did the mean witch scare you two?" She said running towards the cribs where the babies were crying from all the commotion in the room as she checked on them

" mean? Well that just isn't nice now is it?" Eva said getting back up as she used her magic to telekinetically throw Peyton across the room causing her to slam into a nearby wall with a bang

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