hey guys so here is another chapter for you which is based on episode 1x08 of the originals which I have tried to include as much as possible by using the arrival of Stefan to show more since a lot of key points happened in two places for both characters, although I've changed somethings and added scenes although mostly it just lines as well as tried to take on any reviews or suggestions made you so let me know what you think of it. Also sorry that it's late I've been like ridiculously tired this week. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up. Also there is a link below for you to see Peyton's outfits.
http:// www. polyvore. com/big_ bad_wolf/ collection? id= 5242744 ( without the spaces)
Chapter 10: the river in reverse
Elijah's bite began to get worse throughout the night as Stefan and Peyton tried to get some sleep while taking care of him although after a while Stefan decided to take over looking after Elijah so that Peyton could get rest due to the fact her pregnancy and that she hadn't a decent sleep since before the witches had tried to cause her to have a miscarriage. In the morning Peyton began to look through the bag that Stefan had packed from her so that she could get changed into clean clothes rather than the dirty ones she was wearing while Stefan drove into the French Quarter to get them some food since the bayou was somewhat was remote. She now wore a grey and burgundy raglan top, a pair of faded black tore jeans and pair of dark red converse. She decided to take her hair out of its braided bun and leave it down in a long mass of waves but pushed back the hair from her face using a red wire hairband, she wore dark eye makeup around her eyes to make them stand out and dark pick lip balm. Peyton decided to get some fresh air by sitting out on the small dock outside the shack as Stefan came out to join her bringing with him something to eat.
" here, I figured that you'd probably want something salty followed up by something sweet" he said with a smile as he handed her the brown paper bag and a to go coffee cup filled with decaf
" this is just a bag filled with crispy bacon with a side of cookies, yum" Peyton said as she happily took the bag and its contents since they both knew that she had a fierce love for all things bacon
" I figured that your love of bacon would have only been heightened by your pregnancy" he said nudging her shoulder as he stole a piece of bacon from her as she began to dig into the bag
" you were right, I guess little guys will too...you've seen this before right? So how bad will it get?" She asked rubbing her stomach slightly affectionately as she nodded towards the shack
" a werewolf bite? Pretty bad, soon Elijah won't know what's real and what's not. Damon drink from Elena when he was bitten" he said knowing that Damon was his way to know what to expect
" he can't die from it so we just need to let it run its course I guess... Well this will be exciting" she said with dread as she suddenly wished that Klaus would give Elijah his blood as the bride
" Are you sure that you should here?" He asked knowing that all of this could be dangerous for her and the babies if anything went wrong as he began to think of the worst case scenario
" I'm sure, I can't just leave him here you know me" she said knowing that she could never just leave people behind especially when she was beginning to care about them in some way
" I didn't mean here as in with Elijah in the bayou, I meant here as in New Orleans" he said knowing that he would feel better if she came with him to live in Mystic Falls where he could help her
" you mean leave New Orleans...leave Klaus? I can't, I can't take these babies away him" she said eating her bacon as she suddenly got the craving to wrap a piece of around a cookie

The Big bad Wolf
FanfictionOk basically Klaus got someone else (not Hayley) pregnant with his baby, so this follows my original character Peyton Matthews who is a werewolf who has been in and out of foste families her whole life making her desparete to find her family but is...