2| A day on Tour

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(2| A day on Tour)


Usually when your boyfriend found himself to be touring, you would stay at home and continue on with your life. Though there were many occasions where Niall, your boyfriend, would fly you over to: attend an award show, take you on vacation or simply see you.

But this time, Niall had decided to take you on tour with him. He'd be working for four weeks straight and then have two weeks to himself. So while he was away, you knew he wasn't overworking himself to the absolute edge.

A loud alarm began to go off, causing you to flinch back before hiding yourself further in the beds warmth. Niall yawned and stretched his limbs out as you limply hung on him.

Finding himself to slowly wake up, he blinked back the sleep in his eyes before eventually wiping them out. You hummed at the movement and tightened your arms around Niall's broad chest.

He stopped and looked down at you before smiling half heartedly to himself. His arms came down and around your head as he laid a soft kiss to your hair.

"Princess," he muttered now beginning to nudge you awake, "wake up beautiful." Squeezing your closed eyes tighter, you then relax them to drift off again. "(Your Name)." Niall whined tiredly as you ignored him.

Niall propped up on his elbows as he looked down at you. He smiled inwardly to himself as he pushed hair softy from your face. Then leaning down, he trailed gentle kisses along your skin.

You groaned lightly and tilted your head back for Niall to follow you. A lazy smile took to the corners of your lips causing Niall to chuckle down at you.

"Time to get up." He gave a final kiss to your face before sitting up and pulling the blankets from his body. You rubbed your eyes as Niall stood and stretched up on his toes.

"It's so comfortable." You moaned in a small whiney attempt.

Niall made his way over to his suitcase perched at the corner of the room as you hesitantly sat up. "What's for breakfast?" You asked, watching Niall pull out clothes he'd wear today.

"I was thinking something easy," standing up after zipping his suitcase, he looked at you, "like McDonald's." You stifled a laugh and came to your feet, letting them drag across the soft carpet.

"I like the way you think." Niall watched you bypass him before smirking and smacking your behind. You gasped at the contact for Niall to then pull you back so your back moulded into his chest. "Niall-"

"Mine." He whispered, biting at your earlobe playfully. You lightly laughed and pushed him away to make your way over to your suitcase. Needing to get ready for today.


On the way to McDonald's, you both had passed a nice coffee shop that seemed to tear you between breakfast.

"We have to go there."


"Well, because food." You spoke sarcastically. And that seemed to be enough persuasion for Niall to turn around and make his way back to the same coffee shop.

Now you both stood at the counter, paying for your food. Your arm looped around Niall's waist as he paid for the meals. Of course Niall wanted to pay for everything, but you didn't like that. So you both came to an agreement that you would both pay for meals back and forth. So if Niall paid for breakfast, then you'd pay for lunch. And if Niall paid for dinner, then you'd pay for breakfast the next morning.

It satisfied you both to think that you were contributing to each other.

"Your food shouldn't be too long sir." Niall thanked the worker and pulled you to a close table. He sat down and pulled another chair side by side to his as you cracked a smile. Looking up, he patted the seat, eagerly wanting you to sit down.

"Oh my god," you mumbled smiling as you sat down. Niall's arm was instantly around your shoulders as he pulled you into his side.

"We have to be at the studio by nine." He said, kissing your cheek and resting his head on your shoulder. Your hand rested on his thigh as you closed your eyes, waiting contently for your take away breakfast.

"Oh my god, it's Niall Horan." A small voice caught your attention. It seemed to catch Niall's too as he lifted his head and looked around. His gaze then landed behind you as he offered smiles at the girls fast approaching your table.

Soon, there were three girls before you both, asking for hugs, photos and autographs from Niall. You sat contently and watched your boyfriend interact with his fans.

He gave them short hugs and quick photos before trying to bid them farewell. But the girls didn't budge. As long as he was here than they weren't going anywhere.

You pulled out your phone, distracting yourself as Niall had to speak to these girls. He wanted to sit quietly and cuddle up with you while waiting for food. But these fans were too ecstatic to see him.

Their conversation to Niall was mainly based on the girls asking for follows and shoutouts. One of them even pulled out her phone and began recording the up and close experience.

"Niall!" The food was ready. You gave a quick smile and stood to your feet, collecting the food and two coffees. Looking back, Niall politely excused himself to come over and take his breakfast.

"Thank you." He whispered and kissed you lightly on the lips. Turning, he tried to say goodbye to his fans though they followed him like a lost puppy.

You took Niall's hand and you both walked out onto the street and back to his car. It was starting to get on your nerves how clingy these girls were.

When you are told goodbye, you say goodbye and let the other person depart. Do not follow them around, hoping to get more words or time than you bargained for. Niall was human too, and he didn't like having attention that he didn't want.

That's a bit ironic since he's an internal popstar and everything.

Getting to the car, he came around to his side and you both climbed in. The girls waved excitedly as you both gave polite waves back. Then reversing and pulling out, you were finally on your way to the studio.

The car sat in silence as you put your coffee in the cupholder, following Niall's lead.

"They were nice." Niall cleared his throat and spoke before reaching over and taking your hand in his.

"Very excited." You added, holding all the food on your lap.

"I'm sorry." He suddenly spoke up as you looked at him confused.

"What for?" You squeezed his hand in reassurance.

"I don't know. I just, I feel like those girls intruded you a bit." With a soft smile, you shook your head over at your boyfriend.

"It's alright. They're your fans. They love you."

"And I love you." Big smiles took place on both of your faces at Niall's words.

"And I love yo-food." You coughed, causing Niall to burst out laughing; you soon following.


This is my second update :) I know the title says that they're on tour and nothing tourish really happened, but I just wanted to write a day in life that would happen during a tour :)

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