42| Sleepover

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[42| Sleepover]


You were in that stage of your life where you were coming to the brink of adulthood, yet you were still treated like a child. Oh yeah, you were in that high school stage.

But at least you're a senior at your high school and not a poor junior that will have to endure more torturous years.

The bell rung for the end of last period, and nobody could get out of the classroom fast enough. You especially. Your friends and yourself had organised a big sleepover tonight. But when you were referring to big, what you meant was a group of about four or five of you.

A normal sleepover consists of two people, so anything above that is big to you.

Pulling out your phone and texting your friends your whereabouts, you soon saw a couple of them near the fence.

"Cassy!" Your blonde friend looked up and over at you before grinning wildly. She nudged your other friend Beth, who picked up her head to than acknowledge you as well.

You came over to the two as they immediately immersed you in the organisation chat about tonight.

"So my mum is giving you and I a lift back to my place where we'll grab my stuff," Cassy began as you glanced down at your already packed sleepover bag. It might have been heavy to carry today, but you were determined not to leave it at administration. God knows who'll look through it, "and Beth's mum will give her, Tyron and Niall a lift to hers before taking them back to Niall's. Yeah?" You nodded.

The five of you were a tight group. It was originally just yourself and Cassy. Until Beth and her brother Tyron came to the school just over a month.ago. Obviously friending Beth ment meeting her brother, and he was definitely a friendly, outgoing guy. And sporty. Definitely sporty. And Tyron had friended Niall in his fitness class the first day he came. So all of you made a pact very quickly. Even though there's this rumour in the group going around that Niall has a massive crush on you. Which is peculiar because he acts fine around you at school.

"I get it." Cassy perks up in delite.

"Here comes the boys." Beth points out as you all look across the front school yard. And sure enough, there is Niall and Tyron, walking across the grounds towards you girls.

"Here comes Niall (Your Name)." Cassy teases while nudging you. You roll your eyes and cross your arms over your chest.

"Ha-ha Cassy." She wiggles her eyebrows as you looked back at the Irishman. You will admit though, he was quite cute. And if he were to ask you out, you wouldn't shoot the idea down. Because knowing what he's like to be around, which is friendly, kind, funny and easy going, it made you think that he was definitely boyfriend material. The question was though, would he ever be your boyfriend material?

"Hey guys," Beth greets as she waves at the two, "ready to go?"

"Course." Tyron answers before giving Cassy and yourself fist pumps. "See you at five girls?"

"We'll be there." Cassy answered before giving Beth a quick squeeze. You gave her a hug and acknowledged Niall the same as Tyron, with a fist pump.

"Alright, leggo!" Cassy linked arms with you and pulled you the opposite way out of the school grounds 0towards her mum's car.

Getting to the familiar vehicle, you were greeted warmly by the woman before the three of you made your way to Cassy's house.

Cassy sat in the front, chatting lightly with her mum as you sat in the back contently. Until your phone went off.

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