29| Fans mob your Family

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(29| Fans mob your Family)


A lot of people want to find themselves living within the spotlight. So a lot of people will go to the extent of modelling their own photoshoots, uploading a singing video to YouTube, or simply... releasing a sex tape.

Either way, once these people have found themselves to be in the media's eye, they think it's easy. They believe that as long as they wear nice clothes and perfect their eyebrows, then the world will keep giving them attention.

But what those people don't know, is that it's not easy being known around the globe. It's not easy having cameras and phones shoved in your face as well as people screaming your name.

So if your name is in the big flashing lights, then you've put more pressure onto your plate.

You've been in the spotlight for a few years now, but the good thing for you, is that you didn't have to face the havoc one on one. Your husband Niall was there for you from the beginning.

And now being married for a few years with a young three year old daughter, Niall found himself more protective over both of his girls.

"Alright sweetie," you said standing inside the hotel glass doors, "you need to put your jacket on or you'll be cold." Smiling at your daughter, she held her arms out for you to pull them through. "You're a good girl." With a zip to her jacket and a kiss to her forehead, you picked her up in your arms.

Her face lay on your shoulder as you pulled the hoodie up over her head. It was easier to then cover her eyes from any flashes that would come your way.

And with the media letting everyone know that Niall and his family had returned to Ireland, there will be attention coming your way.

"Baby," Niall poked his head in through the door for you both to lock eyes, "cars ready." With a nod, you gripped tightly onto your purse and made your way over to your husband.

He smiled and put a hand on your lower back before guiding you to the awaiting car. With his help, you tucked your daughter into the baby seat and shut the door. Coming around to the opposite side, you climbed into the vehicle and sat facing your daughter.

She was very quiet, she always was when the family went out. You think that the attention you got from many had kept her silent. Which was sad as she was still a young child developing and growing into who she was destined to be.

"Hey princess," Niall held her foot before sitting back next to you, "we're going to get some food. Yay!" He danced on the spot making you smile and your daughter giggle.

"Ips?" She asked as you took Niall's hand into yours.

"Yes princess, we can get you chips." Her smile brightened as she clapped her hands together. "And mato sauce?"

"Mato sauce! Mato sauce!" She cheered as you smiled warmly at the two before landing a kiss to Niall's cheek.

This was going to be a good family dinner.


Pulling up into the parking lot of the restaurant, your hand tightened in Niall's as you saw paps standing near the entrance to the building.

"Ok." You breathed, readying yourself for the questions and flashes that were bound to go off.

"It'll be alright." Niall whispered, turning your chin so you faced him. "I'll take (Your Daughters Name), ok?" Nodding at his reassurance, the car door opened as you and Niall unbuckled before stepping out.

It wasn't long until the paps noticed you, and immediately came over. Your hand gripped the back of Niall's shirt as he pulled your daughter into his arms.

Keeping a hand on the back of her neck to keep her hoodie up, Niall pulled her face against him as he took your hand.

A security guard that had travelled with you, began to lead you all through as the voices screamed for your attention. And when you thought it was just the paps, you heard young female voices yelling for photos. But they were just for Niall and your daughter.

You understood. Nobody liked the woman who stole Niall's heart. But that didn't mean it didn't hurt any less.

"Niall please!" A hand yanked his out of yours to gain his attention. His head immediately spun back as he stepped toward you. Niall's hand took yours again and pulled you tight against his side as you were all guided into the restaurant.

Once your family had stepped into the cool air conditioned building, Niall looked over at you.

"Are you alright?" You simply smiled and nodded at him, Niall sighing as he pulled you close to lay a soft kiss on you. "It always scares me when you're pulled away from me. Like, somebody could hurt you and I won't be able to help."

That was Niall's biggest fear. For somebody to hurt one of his girls and him being powerless to stop it. So he always watched out for the two of you, always putting your well being's first.

"You ok baby girl?" Both of your attention came to your daughter as she lifted her head, nodding. Niall kissed her forehead and pulled her against his side as the three of you made your way to your reserved table.

Not near the windows like you both requested. Not in the front and not in the middle.

"Ips! Ips!" Your daughter began to cheer as all of you ordered your food.

"That's right princess, your chips are coming." She threw her hands up excitedly as you smiled crossing your arms and leaning on the table.

Niall ran his hand over your thigh before resting it there contently. He leant over and gave a kiss to your cheek before you watched him intereact with your daughter.

Although your family was in the spotlight constantly, and you did have your off days, you were still together. And you'd all pull through...

Like the strong family you are.


Thank you niallftpepsi for the request Xx Don't forget to Vote and Comment!! Two in one night. I'm on a roll!!! :)

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