52| Say Something

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[52| Say Something]


And I... am feeling so small
It was over my head
I know nothing at all
And I... will stumble and fall
I'm still learning to love
Just starting to crawl


Some things you didn't like to talk about. You didn't like to talk about your parents divorce or the passing away of your older brother. You didn't like to talk about how antisocial you were or why you felt the way you felt.

And most of all, you didn't like to talk about the scars hidden on your thighs.

People thought that you were just a quiet freak who shyed away from any attention. But that wasn't true. People's past create who they are in the future, and your past wasn't so bright.

It first started the night your brother passed away. The police came to your family doorstep and had to explain to your parents why your brother was never coming home again. That's what really put the crack in your family.

Since then, your parents had been at each other's throats until they finally callled it quits. Deepening the crack that was already there. You stayed with your mother on weekdays and father on weekends. Until he became physically abusive to you. Then you stayed with your mother permanently. That turning the crack into a large rip, separating your family into two pieces.

Yet... there was one good thing that stayed in your life. And that was your boyfriend Niall. He had fancied you well before your family broke, which means he's the only one you can truly lean on now.

He understands, and he stayed. And you were thankful for that.

Every day, your love for this boy grew. But that scared you. You were scared to admit your feelings towards him for Niall to rip them apart. Everything you trusted had turned around and hurt you, and your mind was telling you that Niall was bad news too.

You didn't want to believe it. But as you sat in your bed on lonely nights after long phone calls from Niall, that's when you were in your darkest moments.

Because the biggest threat in your life... was you.

Friday afternoon had come around and the final bell from school told you that you now had a full weekend to yourself. Yet you weren't overjoyed as most.

Weekends to you meant forty eight hours of being ignored from your mother. She was slowly turning into your father, and you didn't know how long you had until the hits would start coming.

Shoving your books away into your locker, you felt a hand touch your back and immediately froze. "It's ok (Your Name), it's just me." Turning around, you breathed a sigh of relief to see your boyfriend smiling down at you. "How are you feeling."

You shrugged and pulled your bag over your shoulder before shutting your locker.

"Tired," you weakly smiled, "and thankfully I have all weekend to sleep." You were going to take some food packets and cold water bottles into your room before hibernating in there for the weekend.

"Hm, well..." Niall turned you around and pressed you against his chest. His arm wrapping around your shoulders before pushing some loose hair behind your ear. "I thought maybe you could come to mine for the weekend."

Your eyes widened. You had been to his before, but you've never slept over his before. Would his parents allow that?

"Am I allowed?" Niall chuckled and kissed your forehead.

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