3| He's a Punk

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(3| He's a Punk)


You were told by many people that you held close, that there were some people in this world that had to be avoided. Like people who smoke, use drugs, are alcoholic's and people that express themselves differently.

If you were being honest here, you didn't see what the big deal was. You knew that consuming drugs and constantly drinking alcohol was bad for you, but that wasn't your choice. Some people in the world just do that and that was none of your concern.

And being told to avoid people that expressed themselves differently made no sense. What's wrong with wearing dark clothes or thick eyeliner? What's wrong with having dreadlocks and wearing clothes that are made for the opposite gender? Honestly, you've never seen a problem with that.

People are who people are. And you thought everyone would respect that.

You were currently just finishing your third class that ran into your second break, and you were pretty keen. The teacher was wrapping up his lecture and giving out homework before the lesson was out.

"-I expect to see both pages completed by tomorrow's lesson." The bell then signalled your temporary freedom as the majority of the class raced out the door. In the hallway, you pulled out your phone to see if your friends had texted you yet.

And to your dismay, they hadn't. They said during the first break that they would text you second break where to meet up. And you haven't received a text yet so you didn't know where to go.

Sighing, you stepped through the crowded hall and made your way to your locker. The day was busy as always and many people were in a rush. So naturally, they didn't notice -or care really- if they bumped your shoulder or nearly knocked you off your feet.

Finally squeezing through to your locker, you sighed as you gripped the metal. But even though you thought you were in the clear, you were proven very wrong.

A large body came stumbling past yours, knocking you to the ground. Your head hit the floor as you hissed at the harsh sting and light ringing sound now in your ears.

"Hey!" You heard an angry yell while trying to recuperate yourself. Struggling to pull yourself up, you then felt two hands ease you to a sit. "Watch where you're fucking going!"

Blinking back while rubbing your head gently, you looked up to identify the person that helped you. And boy were you surprised.

Tattoos. Piercings. Everything a senior citizen shouldn't have at this school yet still decided to get. This was a person that you had been warned to avoid. A person to steer clear of.

Bringing your gaze up, it locked with a bright blue pair. His eyes softened as he pulled you closer to examine your head.

"You're not bleeding or anything so it shouldn't be that bad," his arms then suddenly wrapped around you as he helped you to your feet, catching you off guard, "but it still probably hurts like shit."

"W-who are you?" You stuttered, studying the strangers face. You'd seen him rarely around school so you weren't quite sure how to act around him. Was he nice?

Well, he did just help you up and ask if you were ok.

"Name's Niall." He chuckled, slowly letting go of you. You stabilised yourself on the lockers, trying to regain focus; and Niall had readied his hands out for you, just in case you were to fall again.

It wasn't until now that you realised the large space around you and Niall. Why was that there?

Standing up straight, you looked around to see that everyone would walk with their heads down, or whisper from afar.

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