15| Awards Show

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(15| Awards Show)


Niall had been to so many awards shows now that he's lost count. And you being his girlfriend, he had brought you along to as many as he could. And every time he took you, he'd always slip into his protective boyfriend mode. Like, even if a security guard touched you the wrong way, he'd instantly push their hands off and pull you closer. It's insane.

"You look beautiful." Niall whispered into your ear as he pulled you closer. You smiled and turned, kissing his cheek as he grasped tighter onto your outer thigh.

You, Niall and the boys all crammed into the car as you all made your way to the Brit Awards. You had only ever been to this show once and you absolutely loved it. So you were quite keen to go again.

Pulling out your phone, you checked the time to see you had half an hour before the actual show started. And according to the driver, you weren't very far away from the awards show at all. So it gave the boys plenty of time on the carpet.

Putting your phone back away, you looked out the window and watched the world go by. Until Niall brought your attention back to him.

"Princess," you hummed in response as he took both of your hands into his, "I just want to lay a few things down ok?" You sighed at his words and looked away. Another lecture. Great.

"Niall, you don't need to lay things down alright? I know how this goes and I also know that there will be plenty of people around to prevent anything bad from happening." Niall's eyes narrowed as his hands tightened around yours. You weren't taking this seriously. Dangerous things could happen and it didn't look like you cared.

"(Your Name), I'm saying this because I'm trying to protect you."

"Niall, I get it. I really do. And I appreciate it like you wouldn't believe. But how am I supposed to have a good time if I have my boyfriend looking over my shoulder the whole time?"

The boys went quiet around you, listening in on the conversation as Niall's jaw locked in annoyance.

"I want to meet people. Get to know other people in the industry. But I can't do that because every time I take one step, you always somehow seem to pull me back in."

The car slowly came to a stop and everything stayed in silence.

Niall just wanted to look out for you, to keep you safe. But apparently you didn't want that.

"Fine." He said as the car door opened. "Have it your way." And with that, he stepped out of the car, not looking back once.

Cringing back at the gesture, you felt a hand touch your shoulder making you look up to see Harry. He smiled sadly at you as you bit down on your bottom lip to stop it from trembling.

"He'll come around. Just let him think about it." Nodding your head, you stepped out of the vehicle with the rest of the boys to be bombarded with flashes.

And now all of a sudden, you weren't excited about this event as much as you thought you'd be.


You were situated inside the building now, at your designated seats. Niall had ignored you the entire time on the carpet, many people coming up to ask if you were alright. But you just shrugged it off, saying Niall was having a bad day.

But it stung. It stung like a bitch that your boyfriend was cutting you off because you told him something he didn't want to hear.

So now you sat in the row, behind the boys, your eyes glossing over in tears as you stared down at your lap. You just wanted to go home and hide from it all. Bury yourself away from anything and everything.

"And the winner is..." The audience sat on the edge of their seats as you sadly looked up at the presenters. "One Direction!" The whole building erupted into loud applause as the boys gave each other hugs before making their way onto the stage.

Niall didn't even acknowledge you. He always did if he won some kind of award.

That was the last straw for you. While everyone's attention was on the boys on stage, you slipped out of your seat and subtly made your way out of sight. Coming into the hallway out of eyesight, you made your way over to the end of the hall.

A clear 'Exit' sign in bold green stuck out to you as you made your way towards it. Once you pushed through and came outside to the abandoned area, you sat against the side of the building, pulling your knees up to your chest and beginning to cry.

This was the worst awards show ever. And you didn't want to come to another one again.

Time passed as you wiped away your makeup, messing up your mascara and foundation in the process. But at this moment, you didn't care. And apparently Niall didn't either.

Until your phone began to blare from your purse. Pulling it out, you saw your boyfriends name across the screen and instantly declined the call. But Niall didn't seem to be one that gave up so easily.

He kept calling and calling and calling until you just decided to turn off your phone completely.

Meanwhile, inside the building, Niall cursed under his breath as he shoved his phone back into his tux. He was worried sick. After receiving the award, he came back to find you were gone. Nobody around said they saw you leave and that worried him more.

You just vanished into thin air.

"Shit," he muttered, coming back to his seat and biting his lip anxiously.

"Is everything alright?" Liam asked as Niall looked over at him.

"I can't find (Your Name). She's not picking up her phone or anything." The protective boyfriend inside him was going insane. He was supposed to look after you, but he left you at the car. Hurt that his girlfriend thought he was too overprotective.

But right now he didn't care about what happened between you two. He just wanted to make sure that you were alright.

Sniffling, you stood to your feet and came up to the end of a street before hailing a taxi. You were going to go home. Hopefully you wouldn't be hurt there.


This is the end, and I know it's sad :( but you can create any type of ending that you want to. I'd imagine it to be kisses and cuddles :) Don't forget to Vote and Comment Xx

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