36| Restless

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(36| Restless)


Being on tour, things can be pretty hectic for the boys. Especially when millions of people expect so much from you. To always perform perfectly, to always produce the next hit single, and to always look after themselves - so to watch their weight and diet.

So when Niall, your boyfriend, came home from tour, it was only natural for him to be flat out exhausted. But that didn't mean he came home and slept all hours of the day. He made time for you, his loving girlfriend, and you were more than grateful for that.

But lately, something's been bothering him. The past few nights, he hasn't been able to sleep so easy. Every time he'd catch some shut eye, it wouldn't be long until he found himself awake in a sweat filled panicked state. Though he wasn't having nightmares or overheating, that's the thing. So this mystery confused him more than he knew.

And tonight was another one of those nights. He tossed back and forth in the bed for hours which had woken you up on several occasions. You had been woken up once again, and this time, was the last time you planned on being disturbed.

"(Your Name)," Niall whimpered as his hands clutched around your lower back.

"I know sweetheart, I know." You ran your hands through your boyfriend's hair as he cringed against you.

"I don't understand why I can't freaking sleep." The struggle had finally caught up to him, and he found himself on the verge of tears for failing a simple task like sleeping.

You sat up and turned over to flick the lamp on. Turning your attention back to the boy, you pulled him up so his face lay against your chest.

"Why is this happening? I don't understand." One hand rubbed through the hairs on the back of his neck while the other softly traced over his bare chest.

"We'll fix this, I promise you Niall."

"How?" He looks up at you, eyes glossing over with tears. "How can we fix this? Me?"

"We'll go to the doctors tomorrow, how about that? They can tell us the problem and then give us a solution." Niall hid his face away in his hands as you frowned, not wanting to see your boyfriend this way.

You sat quietly for a moment, trying to contemplate on what to do next. A thought then came to you, and you decided to act on it.

"How can you see into my eyes, like open doors..."

Perhaps singing gentley to Niall would help him into some kind of slumber. And what better to sing than Evanescence.

"Leading you down into my core, where I've become so numb."

Niall's eyes hesitantly shut closed as he listened to your relaxing voice. It seemed as though your plan of attack was no good, but you were beginning to be proven wrong as you felt Niall fall limp on you.

Lifting the hand from his chest, you cuddled Niall closer before beginning to softly caress his face. He enjoyed the attention he was gaining from you and found himself drifting off into a blissful state, all because you were willing to stay awake until he found peace.

And he appreciated that. Sometimes there had to be sacrifices made in a relationship, that's normal. But to do something for that specific someone without expecting anything in return, to do it from the complete love and passion for someone... now that's something.

And Niall found himself to be in awe of you, even in his nearly unconscious state.

"I love you." You whispered, wrapping an arm around his head. And of course, with Niall basically being out cold, you didn't expect a reply. But in his head, his was proclaiming his love from the rooftops.


"-well Mr Horan," the doctor began as Niall tightened his hand around yours, scared that he'd be trapped in the doctor's office alone to receive bad news, "we've run some tests that could help us to understand your situation. And it seems that while you were away for months, staying up late and tiring your body, you developed insomnia."

Niall blinked back a few times before looking at you with scrunched eyebrows.

"Insomnia?" You gave a squeeze to his hand, going to explain but being interrupted by the doctor unknowingly.

"It's where one cannot sleep for periods of time because of either a medical condition, which you don't have, or an unhealthy sleeping habit." Niall bit his lip and leant back into his chair.

All those long nights during tour had finally caught up to him. And now he was suffering the consequences.

"S-so what can I do to fix it?" Now sitting on the edge of his seat, he listened intently as the doctor listed multiple ways to fix his diagnosis. Trying to relax to music, not using electronics before going to bed, even finding a place other than the bedroom to wind down.

Soon enough, you had left the doctors hand in hand with Niall, both of you praying that the list of suggestions would work. And if not, Niall knew he'd have to buy sleeping tablets to push him that little bit further.

"What if it doesn't get better?" Was the first thing that left his mouth as soon as you were both in the car.

"It will honey, you just need to have patience."

"But this is my sleep, my comfort. I don't want to wait for it. It's stupid I even have to." Turning out on the street, you quietly sighed and reached out to take his hand in yours.

"You'll be ok. I know that you're a headstrong, focused, and determined boy. You can do this." Weakly smiling over at you, he kissed the back of your hand before looking out onto the road.

He didn't know how hard this procedure was going to be, and he wasn't looking forward to it. But he knew that if he had you by his side, lulling him to sleep and wanting to generally help him overcome this, then he could do it.



I know it's been awhile so I'll explain my absence. My old phone was being a pain and the keyboard wasn't working for me. So I had to wait go get a new one before I could finish updatiiiiing!! But now I have :) Thank you @niallftpepsi for the idea, don't forget to Vote and Comment xo

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