51| Sugar Daddy

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[51| Sugar Daddy]


You bit your lip and let your gaze run around the café for what seemed like the hundredth time in the last hour.

You couldn't believe you were here, or that you were actually doing this.

The dating scene wasn't something you had be involved in for a little while now, that being that you just weren't good with guys.

It started years ago just out of high school. You met guys, you both liked each other, but they'd always end up leaving you after a short time. You didn't really think about it the first time. But when the same thing with guys kept reoccurring, you finally just gave up.

Your heart was hurting and you didn't have it in you to continue to search. So in your haste, you gave up completely. Still the perky you, you hadn't changed. You just didn't do relationships anymore. And if somebody offered, you'd turn them down quicker than they could imagine.

Yet here you were, waiting for some guy you hadn't met, to show up.

If you were being honest, you didn't want to be here. But your friend had found it in herself to go out and set you up with a blind date. You loved her to bits, but what part of 'I'm not looking for a boyfriend' did she not understand?

Rolling your eyes and shaking your head, you sipped at your nearly empty coffee mug.

If this so called date wasn't here by the time you had finished your beverage, you were gone.

Putting your mug down, you leant your cheek onto your palm and sighed tiredly to yourself. You were going to go home and sleep for as long as you could. Seeing as you had worked yourself out with extra shifts this week.

Money was something you needed but didn't have a lot of. And it was coming to a point now where it was really beginning to bother you. The only other person you had told this too was your friend; you trusted her with your life.

"Excuse me?" A very unfamiliar voice pulled you out of your thoughts, causing you to look up only to go wide eyed. "Are you (Your Name)?"

An attractive older man had approached you, staring down at your with his intent blue eyes, nicely styled hair, and sharp suit. This café didn't seem like a place he would come to often.

"U-uh," you cleared your throat and focused, "may I help you?" Your words caused a small suppressed smile to etch onto the man's face. You were who he was looking for.

"Let me introduce myself to you my dear," he stepped closer and held his hand out, "I'm Niall Horan, your date you had been expecting."

You were expecting a man. But not a freaking gorgeous one! Well... you were hoping he would be a bit of eye candy, and you were lucky enough to get it.

But still... you weren't going to rush in on anything. Just because he looked nicely groomed, didn't mean he was nice.

Shaking his hand, Niall gestured toward the seat on the opposite side of the table you sat at. "May I?" With a small subtle exhale of your deep breath, you nodded.

"Sure." Niall nodded in appreciation and sat at the table with you.

"So," Niall clasped his hands together on the table before him, "you're the wonderful (Your Full Name) I've been hearing about." His flattering words didn't faze you.

"And how exactly did you hear about me?" Niall took the chance to look over your entire face, studying what he could in the short amount of time he had.

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