9| The U.S open

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(9| The U. S Open)


It's not that you weren't into sports, because that would be a lie. It's just that you had never really taken a keen interested in Tennis. If you were being honest, hitting a ball with a racket for hours on end was not something you found entertaining.

But your boyfriend Niall did. And when he invited you to go with him, because his friend had gotten sick in that time, of course you said you'd go. The only reason he didn't ask you first was because he knew you weren't a fan of Tennis.

See, it didn't matter if you liked it or not. It was important to Niall; and if he wanted you to go with him then you would go.

The boys were off on tour break for a few weeks, so Niall flew you both up to America to catch the game.

Fitting your hat on, you shut the car door and came around to the boot. Niall met you halfway, locking the car up and stuffing his wallet into his pant pocket. It was quite a nice day out today and from the looks of this massive stadium before you, you were going to have fun finding your seats.

Niall took your hand in his, lacing your fingers as you both walked up to the entrance. There were lines outside waiting to buy tickets and register them to enter the stadium. Though Niall excused himself through the crowds and into the side of the big building.

You raised an eyebrow as he came up to two security guards, grabbing something from around his neck.

"Niall Horan, VIP. And his plus one." The security guards scanned over his tag around his neck as Niall looked back at you, winking. You rolled your eyes and smiled, hearing the security guards confirm your entrance.

Stepping through, Niall gave your hands a squeeze as he pulled you close to his side.

"See the perks of dating a popstar?" Glancing over him, you chuckled while shaking your head. Stairs appeared before you and Niall and yourself began the climb to the top.

"I didn't date you for your fame Niall," he smiled to himself as he continued up the stairs, "but it definitely is a bonus." Nudging his shoulder with yours in a playful gesture, you both eventually reached the top. Niall looked completely fine though you were inhaling heavily like you had just run a marathon.

And exercise, was definitely NOT in your vocabulary.

"This way," Niall took his hand from yours and stepped in front of you, holding both arms back. Taking both of his hands, he guided you through the crowds and to wherever these seats were. You just prayed Niall knew where he was going.

On the way past, you spotted food stores and even a store solely for beer. You knew Niall would be coming back to that later.

Your chest then bumped into Niall's back, now noticing he had stopped. It was to let a crowd through and up the staircase, Niall following. He turned at the bottom of the stairs and pulled you in front of him this time. His hands on your hips as you both came up to the top of the stairs.

"Down there." He whispered in your ear while pointing to the front rows. Nodding, you made your way down to the seats, keeping to one side so people coming the other way could get through. "Stop." Niall came beside you and pointed across the aisle of chairs. "B15 and B16. You go find our seats and I'll get food yeah?"

Looking back at him, you nodded as he gave you a swift kiss to the lips.

"You want beer baby?" With a smile, you shook your head.

"Water is fine." Niall nodded and gave you another quick kiss as he made his way back up where you came from. You turned and excused yourself up the aisle of chairs to the seats. Ah, here they were.

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