39| Little Do You Know

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[39| Little Do You Know]


Little do you know
I know you're hurt while I'm sound asleep

Little do you know
All my mistakes are slowly drowning me

Little do you know
I'm trying to make it better piece by piece

Little do you know
I, I love you till the sun dies


Breakups weren't easy. Departing from somebody that you once thought the world of is hard, no doubt. And in different cases, it takes different amounts of healing. Some recuperate faster than others.

But for your case, having broken up with the first love of your life... it was taking awhile to sink in.

It had only been a month since you had both split ways, and you haven't quite gone back to your chirpy old self. Well how could you? Your ex was on every channel, on every magazine cover and on every topic of conversation around you.

You still loved him, and that's what you hated the most. That he could do all of these terrible things and you not being able to consider doing them back. It's like 10 things I hate about you, but in real life.

Niall Horan. And international famous popstar. Loved by millions and apparently, fucked by many.

It only took one insecure emotion and one wrong move to crumble down a year built relationship.

But that's fine. Well, it's not fine. But it was out of your hands. Sometimes really bad things happen. And when they do, you just have to push through.

Finishing another work shift, you slumped your body inside of your apartment with a huge sigh. You weren't fond of your job, so you were never excited to start a shift. And with this whole relationship dilema thing happening, it was even harder to pull yourself out of the safety zone of your bed.

"So tired." You groaned, slumping your body onto your couch. Your feet were tingling from all of the standing up and walking around you did today. Your clothes were beginning to uncomfortably stick to your skin due to the rain you had to endure outside.

So the mood was dampened further by the weather; like it understood the emotional pain you were going through.

But there came a time during your mourning stage where you had to suck it up like a buttercup. Niall was out, living his dream and you were trapped away in your apartment, still trying to pick up the small pieces you called your life.

Shaking your head and forcing yourself to your feet, you made your way into the kitchen where the holy grail lay.

Holy grail as in food. Because you worshipped it like it itself was a God.

Taking out a wrapped salad from the fridge and a packet of opened wraps, you began on late afternoon lunch.


It came around to late afternoon and it was still raining outside. You sighed and pulled your stare away from the window to look back at your laptop.

Since you spend a solid year in the limelight, you had yourself a following of fans. Most thought you were going to last, others prayed you ended faster. But you had been told from Nia-your ex that you had to ignore it. It wasn't going to benefit you in anyway and it wasn't worth the risk of looking at.

So you did just that. Well, today you wanted to have a peek into the fans opinions today. It wasn't the best idea, but hey, what have you got to lose? Niall?

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