23| The Masters

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(23| The Masters)


On a hot day, you'd always find yourself wearing a hat, shorts pants and a single or short sleeved shirt when out in the sun. But when it was a hot day and you were at the masters golfing tornanent in Augusta, well... that was a whole different story.

Niall always found some kind of pleasure in wearing matching outfits to a sporting event. Sometimes you didn't match, and Niall didn't mind. But most times, you would. Even if it was just the littlest things like wearing the same shoes or shirt. You went along with it because you thought it was cute. And plus, you loved Niall, so you were more than willing to help with something that made him joyous.

Outside today, you found it starting to become an unbearable heat for you. And with Niall constantly holding your hand, you felt as if you could create your own swimming pool with the amount of sweat that had built up inside of it.

Every time one of Niall's favourites went to swing at a ball, his fist would tighten momentarily, giving you the deep feel of squishy body humidity. It was pretty gross.

"I remember caddying for Rory Mcilroy once. God was that embarrassing," Niall leant over to whisper in your ear. And thankfully taking his hand out of yours, he then proceeded to wrap it around your shoulders, "we both came up to this interviewer, and me being the idiot I am, tripped over with the stuff."

You smiled at Niall as he clearly remembered the embarrassing story like it was yesterday. You'd heard the Rory Mcilroy story many times before, but you let Niall retell it over to you again. It might have evoked his memories of all the good times he had that day. And you weren't going to take that away from him.

"You're a special one of a kind." You murmured, kissing his cheek but immediately regretting it.

This sweat is everywhere.


The end of the day was swinging around and Niall wanted to go for his third round of beer. And luckily for him, you were the one driving back to the apartment.

"Can we go after you grab your beer, I'm getting a bit tired." You asked, leaning onto his shoulder. Niall peeked down to see that if either of you didn't move soon then you would fall asleep.

"Alright, we can go." He said, you forcing your eyes open as you both stood up. With a good stretch and neck crack, you both came down from the stadium's rows of chairs and round the back.

Niall put his glasses back over his eyes as he wrapped an arm around your waist. The two of you walked in sync to the nearest alcohol stall that Niall's probably been to a million times.

He pulls out his wallet and slips away as he walks up to the front counter. And what you saw, you didn't like.

It was a, young woman smiling eagerly at him as he approached the bar.

"Good to see you back Niall." Oh my god. Was she flirting with him? Your arms crossed defiantly as you watched the scene play out before you.

"Yeah, just came back for my last beer so the Mrs and I can head off." She pouted at him as he lightly chuckled.

"You don't have to go. Stay. Have a few more beers." She grabbed his beer and popped it open for him as Niall took a money note from his wallet.

"As much as I'd love to, I can't." The woman hesitantly passed Niall his drink as he held out to her the money.

"Well, if you really are going then keep the money. This one's on me." Your eyes widened as she reached across the surface, placing a hand on Niall's arm.

"Oh, well thank you." He smiled, the girl subtly biting her lower lip and watching him with her alluring eyes. "Have a good day." Niall waved and turned, making his way back to you.

The woman watched his every step until her gaze met your death glare. With a twitch of your eye, she mirked to herself before heading away from where she was.

Stupid cow.

"Hey," Niall smiled as you silently growled at him. Then, with a turn on your heel, you sped out of the goddamn masters.

Niall shoved his wallet away as he strode after you, wandering why the change of moods.

Because as you slammed the driver's door open, he finally admitted to himself that you were angry. You had the walk on and you weren't polite as you usually were when maneuvering through the crowds. Something was up.

Getting into the car and buckling himself in, you reversed suddenly making his body jerk forward.

"Hey!" He yelled as you spun your arms around the steering wheel to pull the car out onto the road.

"Sorry." You said dryly as you then sped out of the area.

The whole car ride so far, and not one word was spoken. Niall could hear your deep breaths that you were trying to control and watched your fists tighten around the wheel.

He decided to figure out what was up.

"Babe," he tried timidly as you tensed at the nickname, "what's wrong boo?" Your eye twitched once again as you threw an angry glance his way.

"Oh nothing!" You said sarcastically dry, "nothing at all Niall! Why would you even think something was wrong?"

"Because you're angry." Niall stated, becoming more confident to face to angry beast within you.

"Well when you let another girl flirt with you then obviously I'm going to be angry!" You snapped, Niall blinking back as he tried to think back to an encounter with a girl. But the only one he could think of was the one-

"-at the bar." He breathed, looking back over at you.

"Oh no, take the drink, it's on me. Oh please stay a little longer. Let me touch your arm." You pulled on your replicated high pitched annoying tone of the girl before rolling your eyes.

She was too comfortable with him, and Niall knew that for the sake of his wellbeing and nutsack, that he'd have to comfort you.

But for now, he'll let you vent. Hopefully, well, he's knows you will, accept his food offering later.

"And who the hell does she think she is?" So the venting begins...


Helloooo xx Just an update, I'm really hungry so I'm going to grab a bite soon x And I'm nearly through a quarter of 100 preferences?! That's crazy!!! I was planning on making this book 100 chapters. So with that being said, I'm nearly 1/4 of the way there! Whooo! Don't forget to Vote and Comment and thank you niallftpepsi for the request! I honestly thought I'd have no ideas for this one :)

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