18| Just wanting a cuddle

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(18| Just wanting a cuddle)


Being a young seven year old girl, you didn't really ask for much in life. You weren't sure what you wanted to be when you were older and you didn't know how to even cook breakfast.

But if there was one thing you did know how to do, it was to make your bed in the morning. And you were quite proud of that.

But lately, everyone's been so busy. Your mum and dad have picked up extra shifts from work to bring more income for the family. Your oldest brother Greg, had just moved out and into a new house with his girlfriend Denise. So that just left yourself and Niall in the household.

And he was back from singing around the world and being on tour, and he was, most of the time, asleep. Except when it came to food. Or the bathroom. Obviously.

Creeping down from your room, you snuck down the stairs in hopes to find your bigger brother Niall. But there was a chance that he could be asleep, so you had to be quiet just in case.

Peeking around the kitchen, you then looked over before making your way towards the lounge room. And there on the couch lay Niall, his eyes lazily trained on the TV as his feet kicked up on the arm of the furniture.

"Ni," you whispered, watching as his eyebrows furrowed before he turned his gaze to you. You giggled behind the chair as he chuckled at you.

"What do you want?" Smiling, you stood up and came over in front of him.

"Cuddles." Propping up on his elbow, he ran a hand through his hair.

"Well why didn't you just say so?" Snatching you into his arms, your laughed echoed the room as Niall snuggled you into his chest. Your small hands gripped at his shirt as Niall smiled down at you.

You were so small and so fragile. It was only a natural instinct for Niall to feel an overprotective emotion for you. You were his baby sister and he was always going to look out for you unt the day that he physically couldn't anymore.

Your eyes fluttered closed as the two of you fell into silence. The only thing emitting sound in the room was now the television.

Niall's hand rubbed up and down your back softly as he rested his head back down onto the cushion. This moment was quite relaxing for him. It wasn't often that he got to just lay down and do nothing; usually people would be in his face or there'd be paparazzi outside his hotel. But now there wasn't any of that, and he cherished it.

"I love you," Niall muttered, keeping a protective arm around you as he found his own eyes closing, "my little princess."


Dinner time came around later that day and most of the commotion was either coming from the kitchen or the dining room.

Looking away from the television, you stood up and made your way over towards the kitchen. "Mummy," peeking your head into the room, you saw your mother pouring something into the sink, "mummy?"

"(Your Name), what is it? I'm kind of busy here sweetheart." You blinked back at your mother, her back still turned to you.

"Oh." You mumbled and left the room. Coming into the dining room, you saw your dad sitting at the table on the phone. So with a bright smile, you ran over to him. "Daddy!" He glanced at you before holding up a finger.

"I'm sorry, can you excuse me a second," he pulled the phone away from his ear and looked at you expectantly, "what is it (Your Name)? Daddy's a little busy." Stepping back, you shrugged as you gripped the end of your shirt. "Sorry about that, my daughter wanted something."

Your dad stood up and left the room, leaving you to stand all by yourself. All you wanted was some attention and maybe cuddles before dinner time.

Frowning, you dragged your feet back to the lounge room where you plonked down in front of the TV. Your fingers kept playing with the bottom of your shirt as you sat silently in the room.

That was before Niall came downstairs and noticed you sat very quietly by yourself.

"(Your Name)," you looked back as Niall strode over towards you, "what's wrong princess?" He knelt down beside you as you shrugged, looking back down again.

"Mummy and Daddy are to busy to watch TV with me. Or give me cuddles." Niall reached a hand up and tucked hair behind your ear as you slowly looked back up at him.

"I can watch TV with you and, give you cuddles." And just like that, Niall watched as your face lit up into a bright smile. Giggling, you stood up and tugged him by his hand to the couch.

He chuckled while letting you lead him to the soft furniture. Once he sat down, you climbed up and nuzzled into his side.

"C'mere." Taking a hold of your sides, he pulled you onto his lap where he wrapped his arms tightly around your small body. Your legs relaxed beside him as you smiled, finally feeling fulfilment. Cuddles is all you wanted.

And Niall knew that you were going to be a cuddly person all your life. You were a good, sweet and kindhearted person; though with him being famous, and definitely wanting to take you on tour when you're older, he knew that there would be some people there who'd take advantage of your good heart.

But he was your big brother, and that meant he'd always look out for you. Even in times where you didn't want him to.

"Dinner's ready!" You heard a call from the kitchen, but didn't budge at all from your comfortable position.

"Dinner. Come on princess." You sighed on his chest as Niall chuckled, picking you up in his arms. "How about you sit on my lap so we can cuddle for dinner too."

Your head nodded frantically as Niall laughed, carrying you both to the dining table.


Thank you beliweer for this BSM request xx I had fun writing it for you Xx Don't forget to Vote and Comment guys xx

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