11| Girls day Out

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(11| Girls day Out)


Spending time with your incredible boyfriend was obviously amazing, but sometimes you just needed girl time. You know? And who better to spend time with than the girls that are in your exact same position. Dating a popstar from the world's biggest boyband.

So you guess you could say that you got along with Sophia Smith and Danielle Campbell pretty well.

And although the girls were always denying faty foods and proving their makeup game strong, you couldn't help but feel like the unattractive girlfriend out of the lot. They were perfect.

But as always, Niall was there, whispering encouraging words to you and spending everyday convincing you how truly gorgeous you were.

And you were thankful for that. But deep down... you knew you were a potato.

The boys were in the studio today, and you girls were obviously invited. But instead of being cramped up in a small space for hours on end, even though the supplied food was heaven, you wanted to go out today.

So that's exactly what you did. You and the two girls explored the wonderful city know as London.

And you didn't last until lunch before you were spotted by fans.

"Oh my god, we love you so much!" There was a small crowd of girls around the three of you, asking for photos, hugs and even autographs.

You had pulled another into a long warm hug as she cried into your chest.

"Hey, hey." You cooed, stroking her hair gently. "Why are you crying?"

"B-because..." She choked out. "Y-you're.."

Because you were Niall Horan's girlfriend. That's why.

And that's not necessarily a bad thing. You just know that if you weren't dating the boy, then that nobody would care about you. Well, not like this anyway.

A hand touched your shoulder and you looked over to see Sophia smile softly at you. She nudged her head away and you nodded, understanding it was time for you to leave.

Looking back down at the girl, you slowly pried her softly off of you with soothing words. Then taking quick photos, you said goodbye to the hesitant girls.

Danielle began chatting away as the three of you made your way towards Sophia's car. You stood in the middle, feeling a bit awkward as the two girls spoke past you about their common

Clothes that were too small for you, makeup that you didn't wear, and careers that you didn't have. But that's alright. Because you blanked out to focus on the road ahead.

The road that held Starbucks. Your life.

"I want a coffee." Danielle said, smiling as she looked at both of you girls. "What are you girls getting."

"Something hot, definitely." Sophia nodded, satisfied with her own answer.

"But don't you have that already?" You wiggled your eyebrows in a playful tease as she laughed embarrassed. Danielle cacked herself in hysterics as you smiled, happy that you made the girls laugh. "And I think I might get something creamy." You spoke without thinking. Until it hit you how dirty you sounded.

"But don't you-"

"Don't finish that." You warned Sophia, a smile breaking out onto all of your faces as you arrived to the car. Sitting in the back behind the passenger seat, you pulled out your phone and buckled in for the ride. Ready and waiting, for coffee.


"I think it suits you." You said, Danielle nodding as you both observed the dress Sophia tried on.

"Dark blue is definitely your colour." Danielle said, lips puckered as she put a thumb up in approval. You chuckled and lightly elbowed her in the side as she cracked a smile.

"I'll get it then." Sophia smiled and slipped back into her changing room. Looking down at the hoodie you were about to purchase, you watched Danielle step forward and check herself out in the full length mirror.

She was very girly at times. You mean, she was girly all the time. But some of the moments she had was really girly. And you meant really, really, girly.

Oh, and now she's pulled out her phone taking selfies.

Rolling your eyes and chuckling to yourself, you made your way to the front counter where you were immediately served.

Slipping money from your card, you took your clothing wrapped in the stores bag.

"Buying things without me I see." Looking back, Sophia smiled at you as she stepped up to the counter, buying the purchase she had just tried on.

"Course. Best in best dressed." She nudged your shoulder with hers as you laughed between yourselves.

"Yeah, yeah. We'll make our way over." Danielle's phone conversation caught your attention as you came beside her to listen in. She nodded once before rolling her eyes. Looking at you, she pretended to shoot herself in the head as the caller proceeded to talk. "Ok Lou, see you soon."

With a few kisses, she hung up the phone as you rolled your eyes smiling. She was so infatuated with that boy, you swore.

"Let's go ladies." Sophia smiled as the group of you made your way out of the store.

"The boys are waiting for us at the studio, so we'll head over there now." Danielle was basically telling you both, neither of you objectifying to the idea.

Coming to the car, you began your journey on the way to the boys' location.

The confined vehicle space was filled with normal conversational white noise, helping you to relax into your seat. Your gaze staring out the window as you smiled to yourself, suddenly imagining that you were in a sad movie scene.

A buzz went off from your pocket, and you pulled your phone out to see a text from Niall.

Niall: heard you were coming back to the studio. I'll see you soon baby I love you xx

Smiling deeper at the message, you decided to wait until arriving at the destination before replying.

And not too long afterwards, the three of you girls had parked behind the building, making your way inside. Bypassing the halls, you checked the time on your phone as the girls had gone ahead of you.

What you weren't expecting though, was for a pair of arms to suddenly wrap around you from behind.

"Gotcha!" By the voice, you knew it was Niall. But that didn't mean he didnt emit a scream of shock from you.

"Dammit Niall!" You kicked his leg as he laughed, slipping you around until you both were interlocked in a hug.

And you couldn't help but embrace the moment, your boy in your arms.


I feel like I could have written this better, but I hope you enjoy it anyway !! Xx Please feel free to Vote and Comment if you liked it, I will be extremely happy if you do :) xx

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