40| First PDA

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[40| First PDA]


You hadn't been in too many relationships throughout your life, so you weren't all that experienced. Until now you suppose.

Niall was your current boyfriend at the moment, but you were still at that stage where you were both developing confidence to become comfortably intimidate with each other.

There were still moments in your two month relationship where you weren't sure whether to hold hands or hold each other closely. When at his or yours, or maybe even a friends apartment you could both test your limits there. But being comfortable enough in public was something you were both trying to grasp.

And let's be real, you were both really close to doing just that. There have been moments where Niall just wants to snatch your hand in his before kissing the back of it. Or where you just want to hug him out of nowhere for literally no other reason than to just be close to him.

Today was another day out for you both. Niall had a day to himself this week during tour and of course he wanted to spend it with you. You were planning on going for a little shopping spree and Niall was more than happy to come.

Niall drove the two of you down to the shopping mall where no doubt other people would recognise you both. But he felt as though it was time. Time to man up and finally claim what was his.

"This is nice," you whispered picking up a plain black V neck shirt and putting it against your chest, "what do you think Niall? Plain but simple right?" Turning around, the blonde Irishmen stood behind you with his hands in his pockets.

Looking at the shirt you held up and back up to your face, he smiled.

"I like it. It'd look nice on you." He complimented as you smiled in awe at him. You were really happy that he wanted to come shopping with you and help you out. The guys you dated previously were more than content on standing outside and texting.

"I'll get it then. It's on sale anyway." You put it on your right arm along with a pair of pants and a hoodie you were planning on buying as well.

"Here. Let me carry them for you." Niall came by your side and held his hands out.

"Are you sure? I can carry them." Niall chuckled and nodded at you. So with a grin, you handed your clothes to Niall and thanked him appreciatively. Not knowing that while you browsed through the rest of the store, he snuck to the front counter and bought the clothes for you.

"Are these for a special someone?" The woman smiled as she scanned the shirt before putting it in the bag with the rest of your new clothes.

"Yeah, my girlfriend actually." Niall smiled inwardly to himself as he called you that publicly. He'll never get tired of saying it either.

"Well she sure is lucky." The woman punched the price in as Niall flashed her his credit card.

Meanwhile you were still wandering around, completely oblivious to the fact that your boyfriend had just spent at least eighty five dollars on you. Sighing, you realised that there was nothing else in the store that you wanted. So you headed back to find Niall before trying to pay for your clothes.

Coming around the corner, you saw the blonde make his way towards you with a smile on his face and something hidden behind his back. It made you suspicious.

"Hey," he smiled as you raised an eyebrow.

"Hey?" You answered back, now noticing the smile on his face that told you he knew something you didn't. "So uh, let's go pay and leave." You threw off the suspicion and held your hands out.

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