49| Fight

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[49| Fight]


People had opinions on different things, that's just how it was. And sometimes, those people felt the need to make sure everyone knew their opinion. And dealing with people's negative opinions on you and your relationship was something you chose to not even acknowledge.

But it was hard to ignore all of them. Especially when people persisted so hard to make you feel worthless. And that's something you didn't like. Something nobody likes.

"Do we really have to go?" You mumbled, sitting in a sunken position with your arms crossed in the passenger seat.

"Yes, we really have to go." Niall chuckled from the drivers seat of his car. "Look, I know you don't want to," damn right you don't, "but it'll be fun!" Niall grabbed your knee and enthusiastically gripped it as he tried perking up a smile from you.

"I don't see anything fun in being criticized from that little-" you refrained yourself from calling anyone names. "Every time I go over there, she has something nasty to say about me. In fact, I've never heard her say a nice thing to me ever!"

"Ok... so you don't like Harry's girlfriend-"


It was a bit of a story to explain. But long story short, Harry has a girlfriend that you've never gotten along with. Call it, hate at first sigh if you please. You have not and will never like her. You don't even know how a humble person like Harry can date her, let alone stand her.

"But he did invite us, both of us to dinner at his place tonight. And you know I can't say no. He's my mate." A sigh left you as you put your hand over his that still held your knee.

"I know. And I'm sorry that you've been put into this awkward position. I don't like this as much as you do." Niall threw you a sad smile. "But I'll try and be civil. For you."

"Thank you baby."

"And food..." Niall shot his head at you with a grin as you gave him a cheeky laugh.

"Well, let's hope there's no dessert tonight." You perked a confused eyebrow as he pulled onto the side of the road, out the front of Harry's apartment.

"Why?" Niall undid his seatbelt while smirking at you.

"So I can go home and have you as my dessert." The suggestive sentence had you laugh as you stepped out of the car also.

"You're such a pervert." Niall automatically locked the car and came around, taking you under his arm and leading you towards the building.

"Well you love this pervert and what he can do."

And boy were you not going to lie, because you sure did.


"Hey!" A cheery Harry greeted both you and Niall at the door. "So glad you could make it!" First he pulled Niall into a hug, then following a repeat of his actions with you. "Come in, come in!"

Niall kept his hand laced with yours as he pulled you into the warm apartment.

"Something's smells good." You inhaled to mouthwatering smell.

"It's dinner. Something I'm cooking up." Harry smiled happily at your compliment. "Well, why don't both of you go relax in the lounge room while I check dinner."


"Baby! Who's that?" You heard the all too familiar voice of Satan disguised as a judgemental woman.

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