21| He Cheats while you're Pregnant

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(21| He Cheats while you're Pregnant)


When you become close to a person, you begin to pick up on their natural ticks. What makes them react a certain way and what they do and don't like. When you're close with somebody, they become so well known to you that you'll become so relaxed accustomed around them.

And when you know them off the back of your hand, you can easily pick up when something's wrong. And something definitely was wrong.

You had been together with Niall for close to three years now, and you knew him very well. And lately, something's been off.

He still gives you affection and engages with you like he normally does. But now it feels weird. Like it's forced or fake. Call it a gut feeling, but Niall was hiding something from you.

But... then again, you were also hiding something from him. You were a few weeks pregnant and you knew that you'd have to tell Niall soon. Once he knew that his child was within you, you could both take a step of progress from there.

And you were planning on telling him tonight. He had nothing on, as he had reminded you, so you thought with a casual dinner and crappy movie, you'd come out with it.

But it's nearing almost nine o'clock and you, naturally, started to feel a bit anxious. Did he forget? No, he wouldn't forget because there was nothing clouding his mind.

He said he had gone out for the day to grab some more clothes for tour, and groceries for your shared apartment. But he's been gone since one and your insides began to churn. Not because of the growing fetus of course.

"Where the bloody hell is he?" You asked, texting him off another message. Then slamming the phone onto the couch beside you, you rolled your eyes and watched the television. Trying to focus on the program so your anger didn't grow, but that failed.

The idea of telling Niall you were pregnant slowly slipped from your mind as yelling at him became the new planned news. And boy were you going to give it to him.

Fuck it. It was just past ten and you wanted to know where the hell he was. Unless he knocked himself out with a street light crossing then he had no excuse.

Dialling his number, you brought the phone up to your ear and waited. Almost immediately, it went to message bank making your eyebrows furrow.

He declined your call. He was ignoring you. Oh that little shit had better have a good explanation.

Sitting quietly again on the couch, your fingers tapped over your phone as you tried to plan your next move. Do you wait for him to come back? Do you go to asleep annoyed?

Rolling your eyes, you switched the TV off and turned all the lights out as you made your way to your shared bedroom.

Niall had better pray for your sake that he had a good ass explanation tomorrow.


Groaning, you felt yourself come to from your unconscious state. And feeling an arm around your waist, you looked back to see your annoying boyfriend passed out behind you.

Rolling your eyes, you threw his arm off and snatched your outfit for the day before leaving to dress in the bathroom. Once you had shimmied out of your sleeping clothes and pulled on fresh material, you made your way to the kitchen.

You didn't feel like cleaning up so much today, so you had just thrown your clothes into the corner of the bathroom to come back to later.

Finding yourself looking through the fridge, you pulled out the half empty bottle of milk as well as some cereal from the pantry beside it. It was going to be quick and simple breakfast so you could get out and do something today. Because god forbid staying in this apartment with Niall.

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