48| Isolation

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[48| Isolation]


The world wasn't a perfect place. You knew that. Your friends knew that. And everybody knew that. Though that didn't mean it couldn't get better. Well, that's how you liked to look at things. Instead of dwelling on the negative aspects that are currently happening around the world, you thought about what you could do in the moment to help better the situation.

But unfortunately, there were some crappy things that were always going to happen now and forever. And one of those things... was bullying.

God you hated bullying with a passion. You didn't understand how a person thought it was ok to make another person feel worthless. You could never comprehend yourself doing it; if you apologized for knocking into furniture, then you knew you'd always apologize for knocking into a person.

And today was no different from any other day. Of course somebody was going to be made to feel worthless today. But you prayed that hopefully that wouldn't happen. There was always a hope in the back of your mind.

So as you stuffed your belongings into your locker, you then made your way to your first class.

Stepping into the air conditioned room had sent a shiver down your spine. Today was surprisingly hot and the cool air was definitely appreciated by you and many others.

Half the class had already taken their seats for the lesson, most of them at the back. But you knew that this wasn't your strongest class, so in order to try and comprehend things a bit better, you sat at the front.

The seat to your right was empty though the seat to your left was occupied by the same person each lesson. Niall Horan.

He was a shy, timid boy. He always kept his thoughts to himself and always dressed more appropriately than everybody else. You all had the same uniform, but he somehow managed to make himself look classier. You admired that. But some others didn't. And for that, he was one of the main victims to bullying at the school.

Setting out your textbook and notepad, you sat patiently waiting for the teacher. The teacher wasn't the most pleasant in the world, but she was going to help you pass this subject and that's all that matters. That's what got you through this class and all of your classes.

"U-um," you heard a small stutter and looked over to see Niall nervously look at you, "you dropped this." He whispered, shakily putting your led pencil back onto your desk.

You hadn't even realised it dropped.

"Thank you Niall," you smiled genuinely at the boy who blinked back at your kindness. He wasn't used to it. Everybody here either picked on him or ignored him completely.

"O-ok." He didn't know how else to answer, and you were ok with that.

The teacher soon walked in followed by a few stragglers behind her. It wasn't a good idea to come in after the teacher. If it was only by a minute or two, you'd cop a lecture. But if it was over a few minutes then you know you've gained yourself a detention.

"Alright class, let's get started. Turn to page three hundred and ninety four in your textbooks please!" And so the lesson began.


The lesson progressed and you found yourself slowly understanding the unit the teacher was trying to teach.

Though your concentration was interrupted by giggles from the back of the classroom. Furrowing your eyebrows, you turned your head around just in time to see a paperball fly towards the front. You ducked back for nothing to hit you. The paper certainly hit something by the sounds of it, so you looked beside you to see Niall hunch over himself.

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