31| Cute and Cuddly

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(31| Cute and Cuddly)


There were days for Niall where he had his entire focus on work, being serious on getting down and progressing a new album. And those days he felt like he was contributing, like he had earned his money with all the late nights he pulled to bring a new single to life.

And other days, he felt a happy, mushy atmosphere that he wanted to share with the world. Especially you.

These were the days you'd wake up to random breakfasts in bed, public affection out of nowhere and this unconditional love from the man you had committed yourself to. The days where all he wanted was to share his peace and happiness with you were the days you treasured most.

Though unfortunately for you, that time of the month had come around and it brought a bad mood with it. Niall was in his perfect, happy mood lately and you'd tried your best not to sound like a stuck up bitch.

Niall would compliment the flowers and you'd say that they could shove it up theres. Niall would say how much of a beautiful day it was, and you'd retort with how nobody found themselves to go outside these days, because everybody was a lazy shit.

Basically everything Niall spoke wonderfully about, you'd crush with your moody ass sarcasm. But he didn't mind, because he was too in love with you to care. He'd only see the good in you, and that flip your angry mood into a full on sob session. Saying how lucky you were to have such a perfect boyfriend that tolerated your dark days.

And today was kind of a dark day for you. The cramps in your pelvis drove you up the wall as you found yourself constantly moving position to try and gain a bit of comfort. But nothing worked.

"Baby girl," Niall hummed, you lifting your gaze from the television to look over at him, "I love you." Kissing your cheek, he hummed as he then pressed his nose into it.

He giggled, like a giggling gurty, and wrapped an arm around you. He snuggled right into your side like a love struck teenager, ignoring the shitty ass mood you had on.

"No." You whined as you pulled your knees up slightly while holding your stomach. The cramp intensified as you threw your head back at the pain.

Niall began leaving light kisses along your neck and up to your face as you grunted annoyed.

"Niall," you inhaled like you were going to scold a younger child, "stop it."

"No." He grinned, his hand pushing under his baggy jumper you wore to rub your stomach.

"Stop it and let me be in pain." You hissed as Niall sat up, frowning at how uncomfortable you were. He immediately pulled you onto your side and against him.

Your leg swung over his hip as you buried your head into the crook of his neck. His hands wrapped around you to feel the clammy, sweaty skin under the clothes you wore. So Niall pulled them halfway up your back as you sighed in some relief, the air conditioning hitting your skin.

Niall smiled as he rested his face against your hair, your fingers clutching to his shirt as you focused on calming your breathing.

"You'll be ok my love," he hummed in your ear before whispering the newest tunes from his album for your ears only.

"Please," you begged weakly for nothing in particular as you felt yourself tear up. The pain was beginning to die down a bit as Niall lightly scrapped his nails over your soft skin.

"After this," Niall began, kissing your earlobe, "I'm going to order us some pizza darling. And then you can snuggle into me before we do whatever you want. I can give you a massage, or we can sleep. Or even have sex." He chuckled, but in a cute sort of innocent way. One where a younger child was hiding away in a closet for hide and go seek, giggling to themselves of never getting caught.

"Food," you sniffled as your hands came up to wrap around the back of Niall's neck, "then sleep."

"Anything for you baby." Relaxing and squirming into a comfortable enough position, you let yourself slowly doze out into an unconscious state where the pain left you while the darkness surrounded you.

And Niall couldn't help but want to capture the moment. So he leaned back and felt for his phone before pulling out his camera lense towards you both. He kissed the top of your head and snapped a few shots before looking at them.

Not wanting the blurry ones, he deleted those away until he was left with one; the perfect one.

And immediately he opened his Instagram app to upload the admiration he felt for the photo.

It was so beautiful and perfect, just like you. The way you were tucked away safely in Niall's arms and the smile on his face while kissing you made it all worth while. So he captioned it how he saw it before posting it online.


'Snuggled up to my perfect little buttercup. Life couldn't get any better xx @yourinstagram'

His phone then began to vibrate not seconds later with the piles of notifications he'd receive for the newest upload.

But he muted them and pulled you closer so he could press lots and lots of kisses to the side of your forehead.

"I love you. I love you with everything I have." Niall would repeat, your arms around his waist tightening as his fingers resumed back at the light scratching on your skin.

Yes there were times when Niall did have stressful moments, but he found them to decrease over time when he first met you. And yes, there are times when the two of you find yourselves crossed in a fight. But you couldn't stay mad at each other, Niall would concave at how much he loved you and you would just burst into tears.

But these times, right here, were the times Niall wanted forever.


The cutest overload in this even had me fall back Xx Requested by njhderby I felt like I took the cuteness to a whole new level tonight Xx Please, if you have requests or ideas, send them to me. We need 100 preferences on this book so let's make them something you'll ALL enjoy !! Don't forget guys, to Vote and Comment Xx

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