54| Being your Personal Trainer

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[54| Being your Personal Trainer]

After the well-deserved lunch between the two of you, Niall insisted you stayed as he showed you his large bedroom. Inside it stood a king sized double bed with a walk-in wardrobe and an en suite. The balcony he had at his bedroom door gave him a lovely view of the river leading out to the open sea.

"You must be wondering why everything is so great huh?" Niall sat down on the couch in the corner of his room. He patted the spot beside him for you to sit, and you obliged to his gesture.

"I guess so. I mean, Niall, this house is pure luxury!" He chuckled at your amazement and watched you glance in awe at his room once again.

"My parents paid for the majority of it." You brought your stare back to him as he lightly smiled, admiring you. "And by majority, I mean like, ninety-nine percent of it." A small laugh came from the back of your throat, both of you finding humour in its truth. "But being a personal trainer pays well. And so I find that now I earn enough money to keep maintenance on this place so my parents don't have to." This was the first time you had heard anything about Niall's personal life, and you found yourself intrigued.

At the gym, you'd both sit in his office and you'd rattle of about your life and what was bothering you. But not once had you heard anything from Niall, and it made you curious.

"Why do you train people if you live like this?" Tilting your head at Niall, he relaxed back onto the couch, arms stretching out across the head.

"You'd think I wouldn't have to work. But, the thing is, I do what I do because I'm driven by passion." With the energy from Niall's words, he found himself to sit and grasp his hands together. "Everything I do is driven by sole passion. I could care less about the money. That's why I turn up to work and help people lose weight. It's why I find myself to wear a smile every day. I can't not do it (Your Name). It makes me happy."

The sincerity in his eyes had you drawn. He didn't help you or others because he was money hungry, he did it because he truly cared. There was a large part of his heart that found joy in watching other people get off their feet and help themselves. This man... he had to be the most idolising person you had ever come across; there was seriously nobody else like him.

"That's where you passion lies." You mumbled as Niall nodded, turning his body so now he faced you.

"And, I have other passions beside work too." His hand lifted from his lap and gently placed itself on your knee. Your eyes widened as you looked down at his fingers that only brushed you. "You're more alluring than you realise (Your Name). And I don't mean that in just a sexual way." Bringing your eyes back up to him, you saw him stare confidentially back into yours. A smile twitched at the corner of his mouth as he continued. "From the first day I met you, I had seen potential in you. And ever since then, I have had the honour to watch you grow, to watch you become the person you want to be."

His hand tightened around your knee before it lifted. You glanced down and back up at Niall to see him lightly blush at his action. But with a small smile, you took his hand and placed it back onto your knee; your hand now sitting over his.

"If anyone is the lucky one here Niall," your hand gave Niall's a squeeze, "it's me. I mean, you are literally the most genuine person I have ever met. And I don't think I want anyone else to push me like you have." It was true. Compared to the horrible past of personal trainers, Niall was by far the best. And to change from him would be absolutely insane.

"(Your Name)," Niall was glad to hear you words. Happy that he had left such an impression on you. And hopefully he could leave another, "can I? I mean, may I," he tumbled over his words, looking between your eyes before looking down at your lips.

With a giggle, you lifted your hand to cup them both gently over his face. The prickly stubble on his face scratched over your palms, but you didn't mind. In fact, you found that made him sexier if anything. Leaning in, Niall immediately understood your allowance and leant in too. Your noses brushed together for the first time, and your heart was beating out of your chest.

You could smell Niall's minty breath, and let a thought of your own breath pass you. Did it smell? Had you scrubbed it thoroughly this morning?

"Your breath is fine." Niall chuckled, arms slowly wrapping around your waist as he pulled you closer. A blush came onto your cheeks as you had spoken your thoughts out loud. But Niall didn't mind. He found it cute if he were to be honest.

Pushing every thought you had away momentarily, you pressed forward to meet Niall's soft lips with yours. You could feel him smile against you as he let your lips linger for a still moment. After, he had made the first move to move them against each other, and it certainly had given you butterflies.

Your body began to relax into him as Niall tilted his head, pressing further into your lips and making you smile. With a small giggle against him, Niall returned the smile and began to rub the small of your back in a comforting manner.

But as the kiss had come so quickly, Niall had slowly pulled away. His eyes looked between yours as your hands lowered to his shoulder. The rosy red cheeks you wore had him lean forward and peck your nose, earning a deeper blush from you.

"You think that, maybe you could come around to my house more often?" His cheeky words had your eyes lift and your fingers cling around his loose shirt.

"Yeah, I think I can." And you didn't hesitate to bring your lips back together.


This is the final part to the trilogy imagine :) I hope you liked it. Feel free to comment and vote as much as you'd like. Aaaaand please go read my short story! It's finished so you literally can read the whole book in one sitting :) It's called 'Blinded by Him', and here's the short description.

'Riley Pearce was the girl that worked in the local library. Niall Horan was the blind boy that insisted she read erotic romance novels to him'. x

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