24| Instagram

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(24| Instagram)


Some people, when on Instagram, like to upload photos and videos of food, hairstyling, exercise and vacation places that people only dream of going.

But when it came to Niall Horan and Instagram... well, that was a different story.

He'd upload photos of new concert venues he'd play at, group selfies and videos of the occasional golf session. But the was only a small part of it. The rest of his Instagram was filled with not only hidden snaps of you, but couple selfies, and even professional photos from that photoshoot you both had together once.

It was a love fest under the name of Niall Horan. But to be fair here, your account wasn't much different.

Right now, the boys were having a vocal warm up session. Setting everything up for tonight's concert while having practice runs and goofing off sessions, you found yourself wandering around the stage a bit.

It was very wide and very centred. You could only imagine the view you'd get if you were to stand right where you were in hours time.

So stepping down the stage stairs, you walked up the runway, looking around and inspecting everything the best you could.

Niall had looked over from a play fight with Louis to see you. An opportunity.

An opportunity to put up a video on Instagram of the two of you being coupley.

"Josh!" Niall called, his mate coming over from the drum set. "Can you record me running up to (Your Name)? It's for Instagram." Josh rolled his eyes and grinned before accepting the phone.

"You're so obsessed with this." He chuckled, pulling out the camera, ready to record.

"Well what can I say," Niall shrugged as they both quietly followed you, "I love her."

Then turning, Niall crept up on you and Josh began recording. And now thanks to Instagram, you could now upload sixty second videos. So he had anywhere between fifteen to sixty seconds to get you both on film. And it's said to be at least fifteen seconds because that's the way Niall wants it.

Josh crept close behind Niall, before the Irish boy made a break and leapt on you. You screamed, caught off guard as Niall took you into his arms. You gripped his shirt tightly as he swung you both side to side.

"You're such an ass." You laughed, Niall chuckling as he pulled your arms over his shoulders.

"Well you love this ass," he then slapped his bum, "and this one too." Shaking your head smiling, you leant forward and connected your lips. Niall smiled and took your thighs before lifting you up into his hold.

Josh rolled his eyes at the coupleyness as the video was thought to be sweet. Until Harry suddenly came flying down the runway on his segway, both you and Niall bursting into laughter at how ridiculous it looked.

Niall looked back at Josh just in time for the video to end on the full sixty seconds.

Oh how fans were going to love this.

Putting you down, Niall reached out for his phone and thanked Josh who waved him off with a smile. You ran over to Harry, asking to have a ride as Niall uploaded the video.

When you're trying to be romantic, but your ass of a friend ruins it. 😂

Pressing upload, Niall watched as Harry stood on one side of the segway as you stood on the other, both driving the thing up together. And so when the video was verified online, Niall pulled out his Snapchat and ran alongside you both, filming the hilarious scene.


Showtime was very soon, about ten minutes away, and Niall was extremely nervous. He was scared that he actually might shit his pants.

So to take his mind off of the nerves, he kept you by his side as you both Snapchatted away.

"So I'm about to go on stage-"

"And he's really nervous so send him lots of love!" You interrupted as you kissed his cheek, causing him to turn and sneak a quick peck to his lips. "Hey!" The video stopped and he uploaded it before taking selfies with the doggy ear effect. It was your favourite on him.

"Five minutes gentleman! Please make your way towards the stage entrance!" Niall hummed in complete nervousness as he suddenly pulled you in and kissed you hard.

"Wish me goodluck." He whispered as you gave him a quick kiss.


"Instagram?" You nodded as he pulled your legs around his waist to carry you.

"Definitely." Pulling out your phone, you opened up your video recorder before beginning. "Niall's about to go on stage. Oh my lord, pray for him."

"Pray for me!" He said running in front of the boy's before being told to put you down. "I love you." He said as you waved, watching him run off to his entry position.

"I love you too." You said before stopping the video. Adding a black and white effect, you uploaded it online while being guided out and around to the side where you'd join Lou's side.

She was so good to you. Always engaging you with her excitement and talking to you. Not to mention taking selfies for her own Instagram.

Seeing the woman you were thinking about, you ran over and took her into a tight hug.

"Ello love." She tried a British accent making you go straight faced.

"No, just no Lou." Your dry sense of humour had you both crack up as you waited for the boys. The introduction video came on and you watched it smiling wide, even wider though as the lights came down and the boys made an appearance.

And boy did Niall's arms look good in that singlet.

"Hey!" Lou nudged you as you looked to see her pointing towards the stage. "Niall's looking at you." Bringing your eyes up, you saw that what Lou said deemed to be true.

He gave a wink and blew you a kiss, you smiling wide as you watched your boy do what he did best.


Thank you njhderby for your request!! This is probably one of my favourites so far x idek why, it was just so easy to write and I like how light, fluffy and cute it is xx Vote and Comment Xx

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