32| Respect his Privacy

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(32| Respect his Privacy)


Most things took effort and persistence to gain or maintain. Some people putting more effort into some daily requirements than others. For some that could be fitness, or looking after a child. But for you, right now in your life, you found your relationship the one thing you put the most effort into.

With Niall being your gorgeous popstar boyfriend, you knew that this romantic connection between the two of you would get feedback from all over the media. And that it would take more effort to keep it stable then say for other relationships that were more private.

But you and Niall both knew that, and took on the challenge anyway.

Although, you both sat down with each other and figured out what was and what was not a go for either of you.

Trust was the big one sitting at the top of your list. If there was no mutual trust between the two of you then the relationship wouldn't work. Communication was next down the list, knowing that you could work through problems if you both spoke about them. And actions was below that. How to handle yourself in front of paps and people when you were before everyone.

And of course, you being the accepting, welcoming and friendly person that you were, had gained close friendships to the other boys girlfriends. You were all in the same boat, so you understood and respected each other. And to be honest, you were probably the closet to Harry's girlfriend.

She was like a replica of who you were, just more reserved with a dryer sense of humour. It was amazing how fast you both clicked as friends.

So to spend quality time with both her and both of your boyfriends, you went out on double dates a lot. Being on one right now actually.

"-you want?" Niall asked as you both skimmed your eyes over the menu.

"Something hot." You hummed, putting a finger to your chin. "Chips?"

"Is that all princess?" Niall asked as you scanned your eyes over the drinks.

"That and a smoothie."

"Banana like always?" You grinned back at him to earn a mirrored reaction from the boy.

"Course." With a kiss to his cheek, Niall turned his head to ask for a peck on the lips; which you happily gave.

"Go find us a table kitten." Listening in on Harry speaking to his girlfriend, he gave her behind a small smack as she smiled, looking over at you.

"(Your Name), let's find a table." She took your hand and pulled you both away into a corner booth, the two of you sitting the opposite side of each other.

As you moved around comfortably, you looked up with a wide smile to be met with a slightly worried one. It had your happy features fade.

"Hey, what's wrong?" You asked, reaching a hand over and taking hers in yours reassuringly. Your friend let down her façade temporarily as she frowned at you. Then with a quick glance at the boys still waiting in line, she looked back at you.

"There's a problem?" Your eyebrow raised as you glanced over at Harry. Niall had nudged his shoulder as the curly headed boy face palmed in embarrassment of some kind. "With... you and Harry?" Your friend nodded.

"I think he's cheating!" She blurted quietly as you sat stone hard on your seat. This gave your friend the opportunity to begin rambling. "He's always on his phone lately; smiling, chuckling and texting. I tried to ask him what was up, but he told me it was nothing. I'm scared (Your Name). What if... what if he doesn't love me anymore?"

You processed the words going in through your brain as you attempted to puzzle together what was happening.

Harry had been on his phone more often, and it was ok to be on your phone. But when you're on it so long that your girlfriend worries, then you know you have a problem.

Shaking your head to regain your thoughts, you squeezed your friend's hand in yours.

"It'll be nothing to worry about. Trust me, I know Harry as well as you do."

He wasn't the type to go off and have a secret affair behind his girlfriend's back, no matter what tabloids said about him. You knew Harry off the back of your hand, and you were going to get to the bottom of this.

"I have a plan." Your friend whispered as you nodded leaning in. "I'm going to take his phone when he's not looking and go through his texts."

Your eyes widened in horror. That was not right and it definitely is not ok.

"No." You narrowed your eyes. "Don't you dare."

"But I need to know." She whined as you took your hand away from hers.

"Snooping around your boyfriend's phone would be pretty low. That's breaking the ultimate trust."

"Then how else will I find out what's going on?" She tugged at her hair, you watching the two boys come over with their table numbers.

"Just learn to trust." You grumbled.


The end of breakfast had come and the four of you made your way back to the shared car. Niall held your hand quite firmly as he laughed at something Harry had spoken about during tour.

Your friend walked on the furtherest side of Harry. Her head hanging low as she loosely held Harry's hand.

"Hey babe," Harry caught her attention as she looked up to see the British boy dangling his keys at her, "can you go ahead and unlock the car? I'll let you drive." He teased as she smiled halfheartedly with a nod. Taking Harry's keys, she easily strolled ahead of you all as Harry deliberately slowed down.

Suddenly, he stopped Niall and you quickly with a quick glance over his shoulder to his girlfriend. She was too far fetched in her own thoughts that she didn't notice. What the hell was Harry up to now?

"So, I've been thinking lately..." He began as you stepped closer to hear his whispering better. "(Your Friend's Name) has her birthday coming up right?" Niall nodded as you copied suspiciously. "Well, lately I've been in contact with a big party organiser, and we've been chatting frequently, and she thinks she can set me a good deal for a birthday party."

Oh. My. God. This was who Harry was texting recently. He wasn't cheating on his girlfriend, he was organising her surprise.

You knew Harry would never. Oh my, when she finds out, she'll be stoked.

"That's awesome lad!" Niall pat Harry's shoulder as we began walking again, trying to not look suspicious.

"Hey," I whispered, the boys glancing over at me, "make sure to spend more time with her before the party ok? She'll love it." And if Harry does that, then these cheating thoughts will slip her mind.

"Of course. Anything for her." He smiled fondly as I nodded in response, the three of us reaching the car.

This party had to be well worth the wait. I hope Harry keeps to his word.


Helloooo x I just wanted to make this preference to say that snooping through your partners phone is not ok. No matter what the reasons, if you do look through their messages, you're already on your way to a heartbreak. And it's simply wrong. Do. Not. Do. It. Ok, other than that, I hoped you like the preference. Vote and Comment Xx

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