44| Bully

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[44| Bully]


There are seven billion people in the world, and not everyone has to like each other, but at least tolerate one another. And with you being stuck in a high school with kids who bully others, it seems that some just don't get the memo.

You've never know a world without bullying. Being strong headed and grounded with who you were, people took that as an invitation to always tease you.

She's strong. She can take it. But what if you didn't want to take it? What if you wanted to just be accepted so you could fit in?

Shaking yourself out of your thoughts, it didn't seem to be the only thing to loosen your attention. A scrunched up paper ball hit the back of your head, making your fists ball as you looked behind you to see the rubbish on the floor.

The cafeteria table a little bit away had laughed faintly enough for you to look up at the people sitting at it.

You hated them. God you hated them. Since grade school, somebody's always been there to make fun of you. To make sure to strip any happiness and joy away from you you. To humiliate you in front of dozens because of an old crush and hurt you physically so they could keep you under control.

Oh yeah, you've been through it all.

And now you have a tough barrier that nobody can break through. With no friends that you trusted, you felt as if it was you against the world.

Leaning down, you picked up the scrunched ball to crush it as hard as you could in your palm.

You were not tolerating any shit today.

So standing up to your feet, you pulled your duffel bag strap around your shoulder and bravely walked over to the accused table. Some of the people began "oohing' and whispering stuff about you actually having the nerve to come over.

"Somebody threw this. Who was it?" Looking around, some people stiffled their mocking laughter, though you were anything but amused.

"What a weirdo for coming over."

"Is she serious?"

"I did." The perpetrator spoke up, looking pretty smug as he puffed up the collar of his sport jersey. With a forced and sarcastic smile, you glanced down to see a tray of cafeteria food sitting blindly before him. Giving you the perfect opportunity to initiate revenge.

Dropping the paper ball onto his tray, he looked down at it with a scrunched up face.

"What the hel-"

But the boy was interrupted as you slammed your hand down on the side of the tray hanging over the table, making all the food fly up and onto his face. Kind of like the seesaw effect.

Many gasps were heard from around you as the boy sat completely stunned that you had the nerve to do such a thing.

"Don't you just hate karma?" You hissed before stepping away and leaving the cafeteria.

Something like this could be considered stepping over the line and taking it to far. But you've justified to yourself that if you can tolerate this bullshit for years on end than he can handle humiliation for one day.

Slipping out into the school halls, you made your way down to your locker to grab the books you'd need for next class.

The certain subject book you wanted didn't want to be found, putting you on edge as you searched through your things again.

"Do you humiliate people for a living?" A new voice beside you had you stop in your tracks, staring confused behind your locker door. "Because that was a pretty stupid thing to do."

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