17| Tweets

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(17| Tweets)


Hello Niall, I'm a huge fan of yours. And all I'd like to say is hi. So hi Niall 😊

That's the tweet that began it all. You don't know why your simple tweet stood out from the rest of the crazy ones. But it somehow did, and you were not complaining.

It all started on a late Sunday afternoon where you sat behind your laptop, contemplating whether or not it would be worth it to tweet Niall Horan.

"Ah screw it."

Were your exact words before typing in the short message. And it had been days before you had a reply. Not that you were expecting it at all.

So when you logged onto your Twitter tab and scrolled through you notifications, boy did you scream at the gob smacking surprise.

Hi princess x 😀

The simple tweet was enough to churn your insides, making you unsure if you wet yourself or not. But after thoroughly checking yourself, you found that you were in the clear.

Instead of tweeting him, you decided to take this to private chat and see how it went from there.

Hi Niall x thank you sooo much for tweeting me back!! In tears of joy rn 😊

Chuckling at how weird that sounded, you shrugged to yourself and made your way into the kitchen to heat up leftovers.

Now, it wasn't that you were a person that gave up on everything because it was to unrealistic. You just generally thought that, with Niall having quite the fanbase, he wouldn't really have time to reply or even look at direct tweets to him. Getting a response from Niall is like jumping into an oval sized haystack and immediately finding a pin.

Near impossible, but still doable.

And to another surprise, when you had finished dinner and retreated in front of the television with a tub of ice cream, Niall had decided to be a god send and reply faster than the tweet.

No problem princess x and I hope those are tears of joy. Can't have you cryin now can I?

You smiled so big at the screen while scooping ice cream before trying to think of a reply. What do you say back to that?

Sitting there for a few minutes, you sighed typing the first thing that came to mind. Please don't sound stupid. Please.

You keep calling me princess, why's that?

And just like that, you face palmed just as easily as you had written that message. But your phone immediately buzzed in your hands making your heart skip a beat.

Because you're my princess x 😘

Oh my god. This cannot be real. What even is life right now?

Choking back on the spoon in your mouth, you shoved your sweater sleeve into the open space that threatened a scream. You were going to reply, but your fingers were a step ahead of you.

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