6| Meet and Greet

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(6| Meet and Greet)


You had been to many of your boyfriend's concerts in the past, and you always found yourself beside the stage with the other lads girlfriends. The music pounded loudly and the screams from fans were intense. But at the end of the night, you ended up enjoying the rest of the concert just like everybody else.

The boys had begun their last tribute song, and at this stage, family, friends and girlfriends began making their way backstage.

You stuck behind Lou, the boy's stylist during tour, as you all travelled behind the live entertainment. The screams were insane as you found yourself situated in the boys dressing room.

Sitting down, you enjoy the muffled out noise as you had regained a chance to rest. One of the girlfriend's, Sophia, had struck up a conversation with you; you enjoying her chat with you.

And soon enough, the room had crowded a bit more, applauds filling the space. The boys had returned from the concert, people already jumping in to congratulate the boys on another successful show.

Watching all the boys accept the positive feedback, your eyes caught on to a certain blue eyed boy making his way straight towards you. A large smile over took your facial features as your boy reached his arms out to engulf you in a hug.

And even though he was sweaty, slightly shaking with adrenaline and panting heavily, you hugged him back.

"You did amazing Niall." You congratulated him as he dug his face deep into your neck, his arms tightening around your waist.

"Your feedback is the one that matters most to me." He mumbled, dragging his face up so it was in front of yours. You smiled at his slightly red face, admiring how good he still looked.

Then with a chuckle, he put your foreheads together at the same time, noses touching as you giggled together.

"Niall!" His attention was pulled away from you, his arms keeping you against him as he looked over at a stage manager approaching. "You have a meet and greet in twenty minutes. Shower and be ready." With a nod, he turned his face back towards you. You smiled into the space around before your chin was pulled forward.

Niall attached his lips to yours, his lips warm and inviting as your fingers found themselves tangled at the hair on his neck.

These kisses were the ones that made you feel on top of the world. And it heightened your passion, knowing that Niall loved these kisses just as much as you did.

Pulling away slowly, he then gave a small kiss to your nose earning a giggle from you. "I love you baby." His words had your heart flutter.

"I love you Niall." You responded, feeling like you and him were the only people in the room.


"Are you sure?" You asked one last time, unsure if you were allowed to be here.

"I'm absolutely, positively, one hundred percent sure." Niall dragged you back playfully as you let him guide you into the meet and greet area. Usually the boys were the only ones situated in these certain areas. But Niall had a determination tonight for you to come up and close to his fans.

Harry and Liam were chatting between each other while Louis typed away on his phone. Niall caught your attention once again as he put one of his palms flat against yours. You look back and smiled adoringly at the boy who tried his best to entertain you. Finding himself to be quite entertained at the same time.

Soon enough, you two were both pushing against each other, wrestling in the small space.

"Boys!" They were called, causing you to loosen your grip and look away. Niall smirked, taking the opportunity to yank you into his hold. Your eyes widened as you both stumbled across the carpeted area a few meters away.

"Niall!" You hissed as he laughed, giving your cheek a kiss.

Excited voices then entered the room as you watched fans begin to pile in. Pulling away from Niall, he tried to grab your hand though you playfully slapped hin away.

"Go and say hello to your fans." You pointed, him pouting before nodding.

"Alright." He sighed dramatically before kissing your cheek and stepping back.

A few groups of girls were then let onto the carpeted area at different times, you smiling as they all excitedly met the boys. The selfies and autographs that flew around made you laugh though you stood back to watch the excitement.

But that didn't last very long.

"(Your Name)!" Niall called your name as he skipped over to you. You raised an eyebrow and watched as he took your hand and pulled you over to a group of girls. Oh no. Please don't let this be bad. "A few girls would like to meet you. Girls, this is my girlfriend, (Your Name)." Niall stated quite proudly, his hand resting on your lower back as he spoke.

"Hi." You squeaked to be bombarded with these girls claiming how much they loved you. Some even asked for photos and all of them wanted hugs.

"Mum, dad! Can I have a photo?" Mum? Dad? Well... that's new.

"Of course." Niall accepted the offer and pulled a young girl between you both. Happily posing, you all did many faces, some serious but most stupid. "Oh my god! Thank you so much! I love you both so much!" She squealed as Niall chuckled, both of you giving her a final hug before she left to the other boys.

The night went on, you meeting many fans with Niall. The majority of them were nice though you would have the odd one or two come through and give you the cold shoulder. But unluckily for them, when those girls appeared, Niall deliberately smothered you in lots of affection.

He wanted to show these girls that he was happy with you, and that he truly loved you.

As Niall's arms wrapped around you and pulled you into his chest, you smiled, resting your face in his neck. Enjoying that you had the perfect boy to hold you in his arms, and make you feel love like no other.


I think I was a little bit to lenient with this preference. Like, I know I can do better. Oh well. Once again, a thank you to njhderby for the idea x Please Vote and Comment if you liked it. Thank youuu xx

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