43| Locked out

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[43| Locked out]


Your toes curled in your vans as you tightened your hands in your lap. The night was getting on for about seven thirty and the concert began in thirty minutes. Whose concert you may ask? Well your boyfriend's of course.

Your heart began beating out of your chest as the car pulled undercover to the backstage area.

"Oh wow," you smiled, staring outside the window in awe. The reason why you were physically reacting to being at the venue tonight was because you were excited.

You had been to too many concerts before, but only to ones where you'd enter from one of the many front gates and sit in the audience with other excited fans.

But tonight you were backstage, watching the crew work their wonders and seeing your boyfriend and his band hype themselves up for the night. It was a little overwhelming for you, but you knew you could keep it under tabs.

"We're here." A hand slid into your lap and took one of yours, causing you to look beside you to see Niall smiling warmly at you.

"You excited?" He asked as you nodded, leaning back into him for Niall to welcome your embrace. His hand stretched out to hold your furtherest knee, pulling you as close to him as you could go.

The other three, Harry, Liam, and Louis, sat eagerly in their seats, chatting amongst themselves over the numbers they'd perform and what could happen tonight.

Feeling the car finally pull to a stop, security from backstage opened the door quickly for the group of you. You smiled with a light 'thank you' before stepping out onto the concreted floor.

Niall followed with the rest of the boys, fixing his collar and looking around the place he'd be performing at tonight.

It was so big. And this was just backstage too.

"Alright, one direction, this way please. Follow me." A man with headset stepped forward, motioning the boys to follow him. Niall took your hand into his and pulled you with the group to follow the man that obviously worked here.

Your hand squeezed around Niall's as you let your eyes wander up the halls filled with workers quickly pacing from room to room. So not only were the fans filling up the stadium seats outside with a desperation, but it was also hectic backstage too.

"In here boys, in here." You were all pulled into a large dressing room filled with stylists and makeup artists ready to go.

No time was wasted as the boys were dispersed into their own seats to be prepped for the night. You took a spare seat close to Niall and pulled out your phone, flicking through Twitter while he was readied for the show.

"Ma'am," looking up at the close sound of a feminine voice, you saw a woman with her own headset on step before you, "are you with the boys?"

"She's with me." Niall answered, reaching an arm out and taking a quick hold of your knee. The woman gave a polite smile and handed you a neck piece with a VIP laminated card attached to it. Looking at it in awe, Niall gave your knee another squeeze making you look over at him.

"This is awesome!" You squealed as he chuckled, having Lou, his stylist, begin on his hair.

"I'm glad you are enjoying yourself already." Putting a hand over his, your other held the card as you stared at it.

You've never had a real one before, and wearing this made you feel kinda special. You knew you weren't better than any other woman backstage or girl in the crowd, but you did enjoy being privileged to something amazing.

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