50| First (Smut)

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[50| First]

This preference has evident smut throughout it. Not recommended for readers with innocent minds. (But you can read it if you want:))


There was a lot of things that could be claimed as a first. First tooth, first word, first school, first friend, first crush, first boyfriend, first kiss, first love. And first time, as in sexual wise.

You still hadn't had your first time with somebody in that way. And as a woman that had just hit her twenties, you knew it was time to change that.

Were you one hundred percent comfortable with your body? No, but that didn't mean you didn't have aspects about yourself that you didn't like.

And it helped you to grow more confident with the idea of exposing yourself to that certain somebody when you had a loving boyfriend.

Niall was a great boyfriend to you. Fulfilling your romantic and wanted needs with attention and patience. And doing all of the right things to make you want to stick around. Like pulling you close when you weren't expecting it or giving you sudden kisses. Like taking you close to shelter you in his arms or to constantly remind you how important you were to him.

You believed that if anybody should have the honour of taking your first time, that it should be Niall.

"Oh my god," you watched from a safely close distance as your boyfriend interacted with his fans. They had been standing outside your hotel since dawn and Niall thought it was only fair to give them a small time of his day as a reward.

The Irishman flicked his wrist as he signed pictures and phones as well as leaning over to take photos. Pulling your coat close to you, you crossed your leg over the other and faintly smiled at the scene.

"(Your Name)! (Your Name) over here!" The sound of young girls voices had you look over to see some girls desperately trying to convince you to go to them. So with a quick glance around, you made your way to them.

"Oh my god! You're so pretty!"

"So pretty (Your Name)!"

The girls spoke with excitement as they held their phones at the ready for photos.

"Thank you so much. You're all very beautiful too." The girls were almost in tears as they began to get photos with you.

Niall pulled away from another photo and looked over to see you occupied. His protective instincts kicked in and he spoke a brief goodbye to the girls as he strode over to you. Many fans were recording the two of you, no doubt going to upload this footage online later.

"Honey," Niall mumbled as he put a hand to your lower back. You looked at him and nodded a smile, reassuring him you were ok as he reassured you that he was there, and that he was watching.

"You're so beautiful! We love you so much!" A younger girl cried into her hands as you cooed at the sweet gesture.

"You're so lovely," you leant forward over the barricade and gave her a tight squeeze. She cried into your shoulder as you rubbed her upper back.

"Ok, we need to move on." A guard intervened as you pulled away, being whisked from the fans with a small goodbye before Niall followed you into the vehicle.

Soon you were both on the road, heading out to the airport where you would catch a flight to another accommodation not a few hours from here.

"(Your Name)," Niall caught your attention as you looked over at him, "look at what a fan gave me." Your eyes trailed to his lap as you gazed upon a hand crafted book all about Niall.

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