46| Yacht Dates

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[46| Yacht Dates]


You weren't the type of girl who always flaunted her body every second she got; you were a classic that wore sweat pants and oversized jumpers.

Why? Because you felt comfortable in those clothes. There didn't need to be any other reason. Which was funny, because you found yourself to be apart of the modelling industry. Not for any small clothes, though some of you might jump to conclusions, but as a plus size model. Which was ridiculous because size 12 is definitely not a plus size.

While all of your friends and yourself went out shopping, they were drawn to cute skirts and dresses while you were dragged to the less appealing clothes to go out in. And a few days ago, you had found yourself in that situation yet again, but this time, you went with Sophia and Eleanor.

Your boys, Niall, Liam, and Louis, had come up with a plan a week or two ago during tour. They each wanted to go out on a cruisy kind of swim date, but felt weird if they all did it coincidentally at the same time. So they kept with the idea, but came to a conclusion that they would all go together; like a day out.

So finding yourself having to choose between a one piece and a bikini, you stood torn in your apartment room.

"Babe!" Niall called as he came to your bedroom door. "The lads and lasses are here." Pulling his bag over his shoulder, he watched as you stood deep in thought, contemplating your clothes. "(Your Name)," coming behind you, he placed his hands on your sides and looked over your shoulder, "what's up?"

"I can't choose." You said pointing to the swimmers. "I like them both but I'm not sure which one to wear today." With a gentle smile, Niall wrapped his arms around you.

"I think you should wear the bikini." He hums as you place your arms over his.

"Why?" You questioned curiously before picking up the two pieces of swimwear.

"Because you look sexy in them." With a smile, you turn and gave Niall's cheek a quick kiss before stuffing the chosen bikini into your day out bag.

"You think so? I mean, I wear baggy stuff for a reason." Glancing down at your singlet and mullet skirt, you thought at how presentable you looked today. You liked it.

"Baby," Niall took your bag, pulling it over his other shoulder before taking your hand in his, "I like your curves and I like that you show them off. Being a model doesn't mean you have to be stick thin." Tugging you closer, he softly pushes hair off of your shoulder. "Plus, I like having skin to grab when I fu-"

"You two coming or what?" Louis' voice interrupted Niall as he gave you a cheeky grin and a quick kiss before pulling you out of the room. "There they are. Had a quickie did you?" Louis teased as Eleanor smacked his chest.

She sure looked lovely today. And so did Sophia. In cute sundresses with adorable shoes to match.

"Don't be such a twat." Eleanor bluntly scolded, hidden humour behind her words. "Let's go gorgeous." She spoke to you as the six of you left your apartment to the awaiting transport downstairs.

"I'm driving! Dibs!" Liam called as he flashed the keys.

"I'm sitting beside you!" Louis spoke.

"Like hell you are." Eleanor raised a challenging eyebrow.

"I think maturity is most important, so that means I'll accompany Liam in the front." You laughed at Sophia's teasing words as Liam opened the trunk of the car.

"That means we get the back." Niall whispered to you, handing the bags to Liam and guiding you to the car door.

"Can we play my spotify list? I just got some new songs I wanna play." Sophia asked Liam as you all piled into the car.

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