38| Pizza

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(38| Pizza)


When the word pizza is mentioned, the first thought that comes to your mind is lazy dinner. You order pizza when it's late at night and even considering making something makes you tired. You order pizza when you are having lots of guests over and don't want to cook pounds of food. In your eyes, pizza is an easy food to get.

And being on a tour bus with four boys for months on end... pizza became your saviour.

Sitting inside the bus bunks, staring out the window, you laughed to yourself in amusement as you watched four band members being chased back to this bus. The way they ran and the looks on their faces made you snort laughter behind your hand.

"Go! Go! Go!" You heard a yell. The bus door then closed and the driver pulled out of the way and back onto the road for the next arena.

Turning in your bunk and climbing past all of your empty food bags, you stepped into the aisle before making your way to the front of the bus.

"Stitch! I've got a stitch!"

"Ive never run so hard in my life!"

"I need the bathroom!"

Opening the bunk door, you collided with a male; his hands gripping your shoulders to save you from falling.

"Sorry love," Louis apologized as he kept on with his journey to the bathroom.

Looking back to the front of the bus, you saw the rest of the boys catching their breaths.

"Looks like you had fun." You chuckled, the boys glancing at you. Niall, your boyfriend that eagerly invited you on tour, straightened his back as he dragged his feet over to you.

"Tired." He hummed as he flopped his body onto yours. Smiling at your boy, you caught him in your arms and patted his back.

Which was a huge mistake because of the sweat that was soaked through his shirt.

"Niall!" You yelled and pushed him away, holding his shoulders briskly with your fingers. "You need a shower." He huffed and grinned up at you.

"I know. How do I feel baby?" Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion for you to then be enveloped in your boyfriend's hold.

"Gross!" Niall laughed and tightened his arms around you as you squirmed against him.

"Looks like we both need a shower." And now, Niall was right. You could feel his sweat begin to seep into your clothes, the dirty feel and smell transferring onto you.

"Well if you're going first then you better hurry up before I go before you." Liam warned as Niall glanced behind you both. With a nod, he took your hand and pulled you back through where you came from, to the bunk beds.

Niall let go of your hand and reached into his bunk as you slipped past towards yours. Management thought it would be easier to set up seperate things for you as well as the boys. They, and everyone else, knew you and Niall were dating, but they wanted to give you the option of privacy and independence anyway.

Grabbing a towel and matching underwear, you leant back to bump into somebody again.

"Not again love." Louis chuckled as you apologized embarrassed. You had a tendency to knock into Louis a lot today. It was weird.

"Niall!" You called, turning to face him at his bunk. But he was already beside you, searching through the pile of materials like his towel and clean clothes for something.

"Wanting this princess?" He offered knowingly, letting one of his shirts dangle from his fingertips. He took the question right out of your mouth as you thankfully took the piece of clothing.

"Thanks baby." Turning back around, you both marched your way into the small bathroom where Niall locked the door while you began to undress.


Carrying three pizza boxes into the tour bus lounge room with Harry following your lead, you both put the food down before the other boys.

"Thanks babe." Niall leant forward and opened up a cardboard box, beginning at his dinner.

Looking back at Harry who put down two large bottles of soda, you watched the other boys dig into the feast, thanking you and Harry for being the ones to go outside and collect the food.

Going through the pizza boxes and taking your small handful, you sat beside the cuddly spot beside your boyfriend. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders as he bit into his meatlovers.

"This is so good." Liam moaned as Niall reached for a few more pieces.

"We should have pizza every night." Louis added, the five of you split between two black leather couches facing each other. While Harry sat contently with Liam on the opposite side, it left yourself, Niall and Louis to gaze at them.

A small plasma sat perched in the corner of the room, the news faintly playing as you all focused on the food.

You did love pizza, and you wished you could have it every night like Louis suggested. But you knew that soon, you'd all hit the hotels and sit at proper restaurants for actual meals.

"Babe," Niall caught your attention with a bottle of soda in his hands, "want some?" You nodded at the offer and swallowed down your mouthful of pizza before taking the offering.

The other boys spoke amongst themselves about casual things like usual. The conversation drifting out into a comfortable silence as they all chowed down on diabete filled dough.

Finishing your gulps, you handed Niall the drink for him to replicate your actions.

You really enjoyed where you were right now. In a large luxurious tour bus filled with three boys who were more than a good time to spend with, and a loving boyfriend that you could curl up to every night.

You were the girl that every directioner wanted to be. And you were thankful that you were here.

"(Your Name)," Niall called your attention and snuck a kiss to your lips the moment he got it, "love you." You smiled at the Irish heartthrob.

"Love you too baby."



I thought I'd make a food preference because this is Niall we are talking about. Plus, I think all of us like a bit of pizza :) Please Vote and Comment x Sorry about the delay but I had a few things I had to catch up on :) oh, btw, I should be updating 'Hard.' soon so keep a lookout :)

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