25| Condom Conspiracy

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(25| Condom Conspiracy)


There are many things people find themselves addicted to. Fitness. Medication. And the thought of love.

But your addiction was a much more blunt; straight to the point addiction. Literally.

You loved sex. It had such adrenaline and drive that you could find yourself going easily once a day. And who better to give it to you then your activally horny boyfriend.

Your fingers tangled in Niall's hair as your mouth pushed over his. He grunted excitedly and welcomingly invited your tongue into his mouth. His hands groped desperately at your backside as you grinded down into him.

Now, when two hot, sweaty and agitated bodies rub together, you can only imagine what is to happen next.

"Condom," you muttered as Niall nodded, detaching his lips to bring them to your neck. You gasped at the action as Niall tightened his leg muscles to stand up.

You held onto him tightly as he carried you through the apartment with your guidance. Your hands pulled you into the shared bedroom as Niall came forward, the bed touching his knees.

Now knowing where he stood, he confidently chucked you down onto the bed before sliding up your body like a snake on its prey.

His hands hauled your thighs up so you could relax your backside on his lap.

"You want it?" He teased, lifting his face inches above yours as you whimpered nodding. With a smirk down at your vulnerable state, Niall reached over to the side table and opened the top draw. But to his dismay, when he pulled out the condom box, it was empty.

"Fuck." He mumbled as you looked up to see the problem as well. "I'll need to buy more." Looking back down at your, he saw your flushed tinted cheeks and slightly blurry eyes.

If you waited to long to have sex, you'd become quite emotional.

His eyebrows furrowed as he knelt down so his forehead rested on yours, carelessly disregarding the empty box.

"Baby, listen to me," he swallowed down as you looked up with your big doe eyes, "we've run out of condoms ok? So I'll need to go buy some more." You whimpered as your fingers gripped at his shirt. "I know, I know sweet girl. So I'll take care of you right now. After that, we'll go buy some condoms and then you can take care of me, ok?"

With a shy nod of your head, Niall closed the space between you both as his hand slipped into your pants, an audible gasp escaping your lips.


Locking the car, Niall met you at the front of his car before holding his hand out. You took it in your own, feeling Niall intertwine your fingers as he pulled you through the carpark.

You stayed close by his side as you both stepped through the automatic doors and into the grocery store, it not being to crowded.

"Come on princess," Niall led you past the aisles until he came across personal care; just what he needed. His eyes scoured along the shelves as you dragged behind, a bit embarrassed.

You didn't understand. When it came to having sex, you were all for it with no regrets. But when it came to buying the things you needed for it, you could just dig a hole and bury yourself away.

"N-Niall," you mumbled, him taking his eyes away from the products to look back at you, "can I grab some snacks or something?"

He noticed your blushing cheeks as well as your inwardly hidden body.

"Course." He said as you nodded, stepping away. "Hey, hey, hey." He pulled you back to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. "I love you." He spoke, speaking each syllable slowly, making sure to make the words come from the heart.

"I love you Niall." You replied, causing Niall to grin wide before lingering a kiss to your nose. Then loosening his hold, he let you go and scurry quickly out of the aisle. A chuckle leaving him as he turned back, focusing on the task at hand.

While you were both preoccupied with buying the items, you didn't notice the fans close by that took photos from a distance and excitedly uploaded them onto Twitter.

Niall's buying condoms. What's he planning tonight with (Your Name)?!?! #gettingsome

The trend quickly began to spread as well as the photos.

Niall met back with you near the checkouts as he smiled contently at your quiet being. People could so easily mistake you for being this quiet all the time. When the truth of the matter is, you both knew that you were a fiesty lion in bed.

Sometimes Niall would laugh when he found a manip or edit saying how quiet you were, or that people found your innocence adorable.

Niall gave all of the items to the checkout girl as you stood behind him, embarrassed yet again.

The girl obviously noticed what Niall was buying though she didn't act on it. It was her job to keep calm and collective, even though the Niall Horan and his girlfriend were standing right before her, buying condoms.

"Is that all today sir?" Her voice cracked a little as Niall smiled, unfazed by how embarrassing this could be.

At the end of the day, he just saw it as any other product you'd buy from a grocery store. And for all anyone knew, he could just be buying these condoms as a dare to blow them up for a party.

Obviously they were meant for what they were created for and Niall knew with the amount he bought, he wouldn't need to come back for a while.

Paying for the items, Niall took the bags happily as he pulled you both back to his car. Putting the bags in the back, his eyes watched you as you retreated to the passenger seat.

And damn, did your behind look mighty fine in those yoga pants. It was such a shame that he was going to have to take then off and bend you over a table soon.


Yaaay!! I'm now up to 25 completed preferences :) I know it's very sexual but please bare with me, I still like it. It shows that even though Niall can be a good horny boyfriend, he can also be a good loving boyfriend. This will be my last preference tonight so please Vote and Comment x tysm xx

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