22| Your Graduation

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(22| Your Graduation)


Three years ago, you were contemplating on whether or not you should bother for college. Three years ago, your application to apply for college had been accepted. And three years ago, you had met the love of your life.

You understood that it would take work to juggle your college and a relationship at the same time. And with late night cramming, fights between the two of you and all the odds against you... you pulled through.

Now here you were, putting on your well earned robe and hat. You were nervous to say the least but you were sure it was because of your excitement.

Stepping onto the entrance to the campus, you immediately saw your group of friends who would also become graduates with you soon.

"Oh my god, (Your Name)!" You were pulled into a tight hug, followed by another and another.

"Where's Niall?" Your friend asked as you glanced around.

"He said he needed to quickly grab something this morning. But he'll be back in time for the graduation." You explained, your friend a bit weary. The traffic to get here this morning was pretty hectic. So she only hoped that he'd make it back in time.

"Well let's start heading up to the ceremony. Can't have a graduation without the people graduating right?" You nodded and chuckled, letting her take your hand as she pulled you through the crowds and in front of the building.

Her parents were already up there, waiting for her arrival. And once they saw the two of you, they didn't hesitate to close the space and give you both hugs of congratulations. This was a big moment for both of you, and they weren't going to hesitate to show it.

"(Your Name)!" You heard a loud call and looked back below you into the sea of people. You didn't recognise anybody there and nobody was looking up to meet your eyes.

So with a small shrug, you let your friend guide you into the pit of other graduates where you would all march in together.

But you had only made it a small way into the area before feeling a hand grab your shoulder. Your head spun back and you smiled widely to see your boyfriend Niall.

He smiled widely down at you as you immediately took him in for a hug. Niall eagerly hugged you back, kissing your hair as he did so.

"This is finally happening baby girl." He muttered, putting one hand on your hip as he rested his forehead on yours. "It took you a long time but you're here."

"Thank you." You whispered, giving him a quick kiss.

"And," he drew out, wiggling his eyebrows before pulling a bouquet of flowers between you both. Your eyes widened as you slowly took the gift, "the stall down the road sold them for a good price. I had to get you something for your achievement of graduating," Niall ran his hands softly up your arms as you felt yourself tear up, "they're also for putting up with me. I know I'm a pain."

Your arms flew around his neck suddenly as you planted a big kiss on him. Niall stumbled back, catching himself before he held you close, kissing back with just as much passion.

He then began to kiss you in constant pecks, making you giggle as you fluttered your eyes open.

"Go graduate my beautiful girl. And I promise when we get home, that I'll give you the real present I want to give." With a wink, he lingered his lips on yours before stepping away. "I love you. Knock em dead."


You sat excitedly in your seat, your class roll being called out. The tingles ran through your hands and feet, your heart pumping a million miles an hour. This was it. You were going to accept the official certificate saying that you were an official graduate and you were officially graduating.


"(Your Full Name)." Your moment had arrived, you standing from your chair and now making your way up to the stage. A few loud cheers erupted for you, earning a decent uproar of claps from the crowd.

"GO BABY GIRL!" You looked back and smiled wide at the distinct voice of Niall.

Taking your certificate and thanking both presenters on stage, one being the funder of the college and the other being your teacher, you made your way back down to your seat.

And though it took a little while later, you heard the announcer finally finalise the graduation.

"So congratulations to the graduates of 2015." That was your cue.

As soon as you all threw your hats into the air, the entire crowd roared into applause, you running to your friend as you both embraced tightly.

This was it. You didn't have to attend another day in college. You were officially graduated. This was amazing.


Nine o'clock spun around fast that night, and both you and Niall found yourselves cuddling on the couch. Niall let his fingers run over your bare thigh as he kept you close against him, placing a tender kiss to your hairline.

"I love you my little graduate." He whispered, you smiling as you closed your eyes at the comfortable moment. "Now," sitting up, Niall pulled you up as well, emitting a grunt from your lips, "how about I treat you like a real big girl now hm?"

Pushing you back onto the soft couch, you laughed as Niall grinned lying between your legs. Your lips connected and your arms wrapped around Niall's neck. Your boyfriend's breathing became heavier through his nose as he pressed tighter against you.

Both signs of arousal from him. Reaching your hands down, you tugged his shirt up, creating a shaky shiver to leave Niall's lips.

That's all he needed. You giving him permission to make love to you like only he could.

"I love you." He bit your lip as he sat up briefly, throwing off his shirt.

"And I love you." You smiled, letting your graduation present commence.


O. M. G. 3k reads in 8 days?! You guys are insanely amazing!! Xx I thank you all so much for reading, voting and commenting on this book !!! It means the world do tysm! Don't forget! Vote and Comment Xx

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