Chapter 1- Best Song Ever

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Mary P.O.V

"It's finally Friday!" My friend Carol screamed while driving us to work.

"Yes!" I scream. "Are you ready for tonight?" I ask.

"Of Course! The only thing I'm missing are my shoes." She smirk "How about You?" Carol ask.

"Um- Nooo. I have to buy my dress and everything else" I say smile innocently and then looked down at my hands.

"You always like to leave everything last minute, Don't you?!" She kind of snap at me like my mom would do.

I laugh a little "I don't know, it's just like a habit" I smirk.

It takes us 1 hour to get to our jobs. We live in White Plains but we work in 42 street. Carol works in Hollister & I work in Applebee's. Also, we work like a part time job for Victoria's Secret, we're models that are trying to start it off; but we just like extras at the moment.

Turning on the radio, the first song that comes on is 'Best Song Ever by One Direction.' We both started singing on top of our lungs. Carol is a super big fan while I'm the average type. I definitely know my facts about each of the boys and the songs.

"So what do you prefer Dunkin'Donuts or Starbucks?" I ask as the song ends and 'Heart Attack by Demi Lovato' starts to play.

"Both!" She said.

"So first go to Dunkin' Donuts and then go to Starbucks, is that ok?" I ask. And then I continue singing with the radio.

She nods. When we got to Dunkin' Donuts we order the usual a chocolate donuts and jelly filled donuts. Even though we have to keep our figures fit, eat 'healthy' & go to the 'gym', we do the opposite for our 'modeling career.'
Then we are in our way to Starbucks that is like 2-3 blocks away from our jobs. Carol parks her car a block away from Starbucks. When we got there, there was a line so we need to wait for at least for 10 minutes. When it was our time to order, someone in a black hat, sunglasses and sweater, just skips us like we aren't there, like we are invincible.

"Excuse Me!? Don't you see the line?" I said angrily. The person turns around and it's a guy. He took his glasses down a little to only show his hazel eyes "Sorry babe, I'm in a bit of hurry." He said with a British ascent.

I Just Gasp.

Carol P.O.V

My eyes couldn't believe what I witnessing. I was whisper to Mary, "Is this a dream?!?!"

She didn't response because she was still in shock on what she was seeing. She finally spoke and said "Are you who I think you are?"

He smiled and nodded. "Yes, I am Zayn Malik, but please don't scream".

We just nodded and giggle. (A kind of weird giggle)

For a moment I just blank out and started laughing.

I saw that Mary was talking to him and smiling.

"I like your music but that doesn't mean you can skip us, we are in a hurry too. We have jobs to go to." Mary said.

My eyes and mouth are just wide open. Did she just said "No to Zayn Malik!?!?!" I ask myself while staring at them.

Mary P.O.V.

When I got back to reality & I talk with Zayn.

"I like your music but that doesn't mean you can skip us, we are in a hurry too. We have a job to go to." I said.

"Sorry, you know what, you are right. Let's make a deal, I buy your drinks if you let me buy mine & tell me your name. Deal?" he said, while putting up his hand to shake mine.

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